Proper CO2 Question!


New Member
Ok so.. I am new to this site but not new to growing. However.. I haven't ever purchased CO2 before. There is this place called Airgas that is by me that is where you get your tanks from. Well I need to know.. which one of these should I get? Should I get the CO2 food grade, Medical grade, etc etc? Should I get steel tank or aluminum tank? Should I get High Pressure or Low Pressure?
The only thing I am pretty sure of is that I am probably wanting a 20 pound tank.
So basically.. can you show me exactlyyy which one to get? Thanks guys

Here is the Airgas site with all the ones to choose from..
Food grade, if there is a high pressure option in the 20lb bottle, it will last longer.

The larger steel cylinders are more cost effective, Im just not sure if the regulator will mate up.
Ok so.. I am new to this site but not new to growing. However.. I haven't ever purchased CO2 before. There is this place called Airgas that is by me that is where you get your tanks from. Well I need to know.. which one of these should I get? Should I get the CO2 food grade, Medical grade, etc etc? Should I get steel tank or aluminum tank? Should I get High Pressure or Low Pressure?
The only thing I am pretty sure of is that I am probably wanting a 20 pound tank.
So basically.. can you show me exactlyyy which one to get? Thanks guys

Here is the Airgas site with all the ones to choose from..

You don't need food Grade ,CO2 is Co2 plants do the care if it's food grade or not!
Food grade is clean, no contaminants like oil or other gases...and a food grade bottle is what our gear is intended to be used with.

Sure keep telling your self that I burn gas in my room to make Co2.... What's the difference?
LMAO, if u go to the hydro shop for refills then your the sucker ... Sorry but that's just another money grab
Oh really?...go look on your cover gas bottle and tell me what grade of CO2 is in it. To be honest its not really a popular shield gas anymore so....
I was referring to standard steel cylinder for oxy, argon, nitrogen opposed to a 20lb food grade cylinder.
Yeah I'm no expert on this topic; just started with Co2 and having a hard time getting it. I did learn that the cylinders don't have a syphon tube if that's any help to anyone. The place I'm dealing with is mostly fire extinguisher based and all their tanks have syphon tubes; except for one 20 and one 50 pound tank. 50 pound tanks suck to carry downstairs. It's not the 50 pounds of Co2 so much as the 110-120 pounds of steel they wrap around it.
So @Fairytalez if you're not a weight lifter I'd advise you to stick to 20 pound tanks.
And just now spoke to the guy at Airgas, and he said it would be 40 cents a day rental for the tank, and then a bit less than 29 bucks for the gas. So a 20 pound tank of food grade high pressure CO2 will cost me around 40 bucks a month. Woot! That is doable!
I buy the tanks they are 150 a piece. Refills depending on store range from 13-20 dollars for an exchange. 20# aluminum. I’m on my way home with one now.
Yeah I found a nice looking one on Amazon for almost 120 bucks. I am thinking that I just wanna bite the bullet and buy my own tank. It's a 20 pound Aluminum tank. So.. looks like it may be just what I want. The 50 pound one is over 300 bucks! Don't think I can pull that off. Too rich for my blood. Maybe one day if and when I could start growing more.. I might go that way. We shall see.
Yeah I found a nice looking one on Amazon for almost 120 bucks. I am thinking that I just wanna bite the bullet and buy my own tank. It's a 20 pound Aluminum tank. So.. looks like it may be just what I want. The 50 pound one is over 300 bucks! Don't think I can pull that off. Too rich for my blood. Maybe one day if and when I could start growing more.. I might go that way. We shall see.
You should definitely call airgas and see if they do exchanges or refills. I know my local places simply swap the empty’s for full tanks instead of filling them. If that’s the case then you shouldn’t buy a new tank, search for one on Craigslist or FB marketplace. They usually are around $50 for a 20#. Most will have to be recertified but airgas can do that for $20. No need to drop $150 when you are gonna be giving it to the shop.
Oh most definitly. I called them the other day and the way the guy spoke.. it sounded like I could just bring my tank in there and they would just fill it for a bit under 29 bucks. How long does it take to do that is my question. Like.. is it gonna be just a few hours or something, or do you leave it for day maybe?