Removing lower bud sites


Well-Known Member
I clean the lower 1/3 of the plant. I do this mostly because I don't have anything else to do and my OCD is raging. Sure it increases airflow and yada yada, but mainly it just makes me feel like I'm a bigger part of the process.
I have a pretty accurate and consistent room. When I remove the lower third that doesn't produce much relative humidity percentage drops a good 5 to 10 %.


Active Member
If you have a lower side branch can you allow it's leaves to remain and only snip off the bud site itself?. Or will a new lower trash site sprout in it's place if the branch and it's leaves remain?.
I have had some trouble with this....wondering if im doing something wrong. I’ve removed a bunch of larfy growth and some of it definitely has come back.


Active Member
So schwazzing is a defoliation technique designed to increase yield you basically trim all the leaves of the plant except th e very top the first day of flower . you come back on day 21and do it again. This girl is 8 weeks old I schwazzed her and no shock whatsoever ever.


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Active Member
So schwazzing is a defoliation technique designed to increase yield you basically trim all the leaves of the plant except th e very top the first day of flower . you come back on day 21and do it again. This girl is 8 weeks old I schwazzed her and no shock whatsoever ever.
But she looks naked!! My big curiosity is how she will provide for herself with no leaves for photosynthesis. It’s also severely limited the bud sites, so am also curious about what kind of yield you get.


Active Member
But she looks naked!! My big curiosity is how she will provide for herself with no leaves for photosynthesis. It’s also severely limited the bud sites, so am also curious about what kind of yield you get.
this is the same plant 8 days later so photosynthesis is definitely not a problem. And you dont want bud site all down the plant. The reason mid is called mid is because it comes from the middle of the plant and pop corn because of limited light because it in the middle or lower half of plant. The plant will double in size so the top of the plant at first schwazzing is actually the middle of the plant at harvest..
By schwazzing all the leaves the plant aka extreme defoliation, a few things happen. One is the stress if it makes the plant strength men up with is needed to support more weight. The energy that used to go to the leaves now go to the growing big strong buds and colas. Because weed plants are wind pollinated they respond well to improved air flow with removal of leaves does very well. In short this two step time specific technique boost yield and quality because all the energy is diverted to the top of the plants where the light is and where bud is most potent and strengthening stems so those potent bud can grow massive



Active Member
These are some auto strains I have growing that are 7 weeks old. I I schwazzed them at first day of flower as well16062767972626883257837342468350.jpg


Well-Known Member
So schwazzing is a defoliation technique designed to increase yield you basically trim all the leaves of the plant except th e very top the first day of flower . you come back on day 21and do it again. This girl is 8 weeks old I schwazzed her and no shock whatsoever ever.


Active Member
So schwazzing is a defoliation technique designed to increase yield you basically trim all the leaves of the plant except th e very top the first day of flower . you come back on day 21and do it again. This girl is 8 weeks old I schwazzed her and no shock whatsoever ever.
You laughing but she produced onces of solid bud so I'm happy.


Well-Known Member
I when full scorched earth defoliation during my past cycle. I had a record lack of larf and my yield was a little heavier than normal. I was running new strains though, so it wasn’t super scientific. This time I didn’t defoliate at all to see what happens.

Severed Tongue

Well-Known Member
This is what 3.5 ounces dried and cured looks like the day of chopping.. just FYI.
It's a single plant in a 3×3, and that's a 5 gallon fabric pots.
You're saying 9 ounces from one of those plants in those pictures?... I just don't see that much, the plants way too small and stretchy = airy fluffy buds that don't weigh much.


Active Member
This is what 3.5 ounces dried and cured looks like the day of chopping.. just FYI.
It's a single plant in a 3×3, and that's a 5 gallon fabric pots.
View attachment 4851173
You're saying 9 ounces from one of those plants in those pictures?... I just don't see that much, the plants way too small and stretchy = airy fluffy buds that don't weigh much.
So you looking at two different plants. The one in the grey room was 2.3 ounce. The one in that orange bucket was nine dried ounces. It was not small at all it was it was over 3ft wide and right at 4 and. a half feet tall. Hell in the pic it was second week into flower after exfoliated the hell out of it.


Well-Known Member
So you looking at two different plants. The one in the grey room was 2.3 ounce. The one in that orange bucket was nine dried ounces. It was not small at all it was it was over 3ft wide and right at 4 and. a half feet tall. Hell in the pic it was second week into flower after exfoliated the hell out of it.
Neither of those plants are 9 ounces. Where is the prechop photo of the 9 ounce plant?

Drying regs in a mason jar? I don't think that's how you do it.


Active Member
Neither of those plants are 9 ounces. Where is the prechop photo of the 9 ounce plant?

Drying regs in a mason jar? I don't think that's how you do it.
bruh i know what grew. i dont have the time or inclination to prove anything to you. I never said both were nine i said one was nine. And if you never seen a plant yield nine ounce just keep living its alot you ain't seen yetan who said anything about drying regs or what you meant in jars.


Well-Known Member
bruh i know what grew. i dont have the time or inclination to prove anything to you. I never said both were nine i said one was nine. And if you never seen a plant yield nine ounce just keep living its alot you ain't seen yetan who said anything about drying regs or what you meant in jars.
Aight bruh no worries. I never said both were 9 either. I said none of them were. One day I'll get to a 9 ounce plant. Time for a bowl. Have a great weekend!