Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Does'nt anybody grow any more??? I have'nt run out of weed for over a year now. Although people do ask me for reef I tried to dole it out a little at a time. I put a lot of time & $$$ into growing as yall know. Alot of my friends think I should give it up to them as they need it. They seem to think its free just cause I grow it.


Well-Known Member
Got up to go check out Andromeda at the beach. Feck, it's raining again so guess I'll have to try again next weekend. Sssssooooooooooooooo hahahahaha it's Wake n Bake time. Trichs are for grownups. No milk needed. Yeah baby.


Active Member
I just got off of work and I am baked. I full plan to wake and bake tommorow. hell I might as just keep the bong next to the bed locked and loaded. lol.


Well-Known Member
Got up to go check out Andromeda at the beach. Feck, it's raining again so guess I'll have to try again next weekend. Sssssooooooooooooooo hahahahaha it's Wake n Bake time. Trichs are for grownups. No milk needed. Yeah baby.
Shit Kilo..in your av. you look like Bono.... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Good morning everyone!

Wake n Bakebongsmilie
:hug::hug: Hi Sunny...kilo and all.... Wake, no bake but still dancing....
got some good vegging lights yesterday........... :hump::hump:
Where's vette........... ???? :confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
I am glad your still dancing Twisty! What kind of lights did you buy?

I have no idea where Vette is:confused::confused::confused:
I haven't seen him all weekend. He is probably out having fun with the Mrs.Vette.

A cold front came in last night! Brrrrrrrrr....58 degrees right now, COLD.


Well-Known Member
I am glad your still dancing Twisty! What kind of lights did you buy?
I have no idea where Vette is:confused::confused::confused:
I haven't seen him all weekend. He is probably out having fun with the Mrs.Vette.
A cold front came in last night! Brrrrrrrrr....58 degrees right now, COLD.
Poor, poor Sunny.. .:mrgreen: Here the brass monkey ran away.....:sleep:

Wake n Bake, time to Fire it up. bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace:
Morning Chiceh.... :hug:

Good night chichi! :) :leaf:
Hi GT.... :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Sorry Sunny almost missed it...
2 X 22" T5... with red/blue bulbs..
2 X 22" Agrosun grow lights.....
Canna nutes veg/flower.....
$80.00............ Got them from CannaSeur..plus smoked some of his hash.... He really is a good guy. Ever since our 1st meeting (which was funny) we've done some serious smoking...mostly his strains and hash.....


Well-Known Member
Twisty your set up for your next grow! PLEASE do a journal, I would really like to see a journal done by you!

Chiceh you woke up to snow? Wow, that makes my 58 look a little wussy like!