Fly in grow tent!


Active Member
So last night I had a fly in my room and I decided to open my tent (No idea why) so for about 4-5 hours a 6 inch hole was open. This was at night, so the room was pitch black and the light was off. When I woke up and closed the vent, the lights were still off for 2 more hours. When the lights came on (Probably 12 hours after lights on) I looked in the tent and I noticed a dead fly on the floor. No sure what killed him but my main guess would be he got burned or the light was too intense.

I found him to the left about 6-9 inches of both pots, he was sitting (For all I know hes still alive but I haven't checked lol). The air cool tube is always blowing in air, at about 62-70F depending on how how the tent is so he couldn't fly up the tube to get out (and even if he did the A/c would eat him up) He couldn't fly out the hole he came out of cause I closed it lol. The temps in the tent range from 55F-79F (Night time 55-65, Lights on 70-79F) so I don't think he could have froze to death or fried. It IS possible he did try to fly into the cool tube but I dont think a fly can beat the current of a A/c, but if he did that MH would have fried him good but that doesn't explain why he landed out of the cool tube and almost a foot to the left of the pots.

Anyway I was so confused so I had to post it, I'm not gonna touch the fly because I hate them so much. I'll probably check on it through the window every hour and if it moves I'll smash it.

To the main point though, what should I look for in my Hydro soil-less coco coir? I don't want to get a infestation! My babies are only 2 1/2 weeks old.
Are you serious right now?? A house fly right?? If so this is one of the dumbest questions I have ever read!!:dunce: a.flies are not asexual so it will not reproduce by itself flies are not detrimental to marijuana c.unless you have a pile of shit in your grow room it will not survive anyway because it presumably has nothing to eat in your grow who is that afraid of a fly go catch it and release it or smash it...I hope this is a joke
Ok I was serious so forgive me for my IQ sometimes.
I was under the impression some flies actually have maggots inside or attached to them, and when the fly dies the maggot eats the fly and is able to reproduce that way. On the bright side, the fly is dead. I shook the tent aggressively and it didn't move an inch. Thanks for the insight as well kermit, if there is one thing I love more than Weed & Space, it's learning new things randomly.

Also I wouldn't say I'm scared of them but just the way they look and move freaks me the fuck out to a point where I'm disgusted to be around them. I live in the city and flies aren't really in your face (Unless you stink) compared to when I was in the south or on a island flies would literally attack people (Or you would just walk into a air show of flies and they just happen to smack you in the face while flying by) So I'm not use to having them around and when I see one I usually just swat it but when you see them upclose and personal (Especially when they are a little bigger than normal) I just get grossed out and want nothing to do with them. There was times in the summer I would literally spend an hour or two chasing a fly around the house hitting it with a wet towel till it died. I just don't like them!

I'll get a picture of it in its original spot since I haven't taken it out the grow tent yet lol.

Test 025.jpg

Picture doesn't do it justice! when I back up it's the size of a nickle or bigger. It also wasn't on it's back when I found it, that is from shaking the tent to find out if it was dead.

Still curious what killed it, very curious.
Was in there less than 24 hours.
lol nah I'd shoot it np or get my kitchen knife and slice it open like a boss. I'm not sure what it is about flies, they really do get to me. Other than that I'm like stone, even had guns in my face and laughed. Yes I'm borderline pyscho, that is what NYC does to you.
OP, please ignore the rude comments. Some people have a hard time understanding someone else's tolerance levels. Your grow should be fine so don't worry about it. But do check to see where the fly might have entered your room...probably a small hole in a window screen?...and patch it up. Good luck!
Flies have a very short life span its very possible nothing killed it at all..lmao my bad I was a little harsh but I was literally laughing while I typed that I have a very crass sense of humor and sometimes I can't help myself..also, I love space and weed too so +rep for space and weed
So last night I had a fly in my room and I decided to open my tent (No idea why) so for about 4-5 hours a 6 inch hole was open. This was at night, so the room was pitch black and the light was off. When I woke up and closed the vent, the lights were still off for 2 more hours. When the lights came on (Probably 12 hours after lights on) I looked in the tent and I noticed a dead fly on the floor. No sure what killed him but my main guess would be he got burned or the light was too intense.

I found him to the left about 6-9 inches of both pots, he was sitting (For all I know hes still alive but I haven't checked lol). The air cool tube is always blowing in air, at about 62-70F depending on how how the tent is so he couldn't fly up the tube to get out (and even if he did the A/c would eat him up) He couldn't fly out the hole he came out of cause I closed it lol. The temps in the tent range from 55F-79F (Night time 55-65, Lights on 70-79F) so I don't think he could have froze to death or fried. It IS possible he did try to fly into the cool tube but I dont think a fly can beat the current of a A/c, but if he did that MH would have fried him good but that doesn't explain why he landed out of the cool tube and almost a foot to the left of the pots.

Anyway I was so confused so I had to post it, I'm not gonna touch the fly because I hate them so much. I'll probably check on it through the window every hour and if it moves I'll smash it.

To the main point though, what should I look for in my Hydro soil-less coco coir? I don't want to get a infestation! My babies are only 2 1/2 weeks old.
First of all thank you for asking such a "stupid question". Like you I woke up to a dead house fly and the worries filled my noob mind will it lay eggs and the list goes on. Wise man told me no such thing as stupid question just mistakes.
First of all thank you for asking such a "stupid question". Like you I woke up to a dead house fly and the worries filled my noob mind will it lay eggs and the list goes on. Wise man told me no such thing as stupid question just mistakes.
I usually talk shit when people raise dead threads, but this is some funny shit.

First of all thank you for asking such a "stupid question". Like you I woke up to a dead house fly and the worries filled my noob mind will it lay eggs and the list goes on. Wise man told me no such thing as stupid question just mistakes.
Flies lay eggs which turn Into maggots. You will not see that in your soil unless you have worms in the soil.

Maggots need meat to feed upon. Flies will lay eggs in soil which has worms, grubs, and so on.
Flies lay eggs which turn Into maggots. You will not see that in your soil unless you have worms in the soil.

Maggots need meat to feed upon. Flies will lay eggs in soil which has worms, grubs, and so on.
Or shit. Flies love shit. So if you're growing organic using manure ......

I live in a townhouse complex where asshole native neighbors send their young son to take the garbage out.... he's too weak to lift it into the bin (garbage truck big bins), so he throws it on ground... garbage bag of diapers bursts..... Between the skunks and feral cats and the flies.... it's a shitty problem all year round.
Or shit. Flies love shit. So if you're growing organic using manure ......

I live in a townhouse complex where asshole native neighbors send their young son to take the garbage out.... he's too weak to lift it into the bin (garbage truck big bins), so he throws it on ground... garbage bag of diapers bursts..... Between the skunks and feral cats and the flies.... it's a shitty problem all year round.
Why not confront him? That's usually all it takes to end petty shit like that.