First bagseed try


Well-Known Member
i have a few grows under my belt with clones this is a random bagseeds questions are do I top before it shows sex and can I leave it in this pot until then? 4 weeks since it popped hoping for a girl
spliffends i got a 50/50 chance anyways


Do I just pinch it off at the top?
Be careful over tipping, as it can shock them into herm! That has nice inner growth, i would pop it in a larger pot and lie it down, all your growth will grow upwards for more colas and less stress


i have a few grows under my belt with clones this is a random bagseeds questions are do I top before it shows sex and can I leave it in this pot until then? 4 weeks since it popped hoping for a girl
I have a bag seeder going at the moment, really late germination so not very big but always fun, as you never know what your gonna get LOL

