help plant looking sick .. drooping and yellowing


Well-Known Member
2 Skywalker og
ocean forest with perlite ratio 3/2perlite
r/o water, no ph adjusting.
5gallon pots
upgraded from maxisun150watt to mars hydro sp3000 at 75%
10 weeks from seed.
2x4 tent amendments & compost teas

for both plants first watering after transplant into 5 gallon pot I used plain water & 2nd watering I used a compost tea , so far I have used 2 rounds of compost teas in total..

so one of my sky walkers has been turning yellowish and drooping leaves and soil is taking longer than 3 days to dry, its been roughly 3 weeks in the ocean forest , so I assumed the nutrients in the soil have been depleted so I went ahead and top dressed with dry ferts - 3 tbs of tomato&herb bag , 2tbs all purpose .. instead of giving them a full dose of the dry Fert. I went with half so 5 tbs instead of 10 tbs.

so I think:?: its either -iron deficiency, light intensity , overwatering/poor drainage, compacted soil, nutrients depleted or excess of nutes, root rot..

I am thinking replanting with the same soil it has in it since I just top dressed a few days ago with a more perlite added also it'll give me a chance to inspect the roots.

what are your thoughts/advice on this issue with the plant ? any help will be greatly appreciated
thank you for taking time to read:peace:
this is the plant and the other plant is the healthy one


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Well-Known Member
Eye spy a large piece of tape around stalk ..... were you stabbing it with bro science ? Hmmmmm ?
lol no stabbing , LST accident I was bending it over and the stem kinds caved in like when u super crop like an indent so I just covered it up so it doesn't get infected or put more weight/stress on it I just took off the tape and there isn't knot like usual when super croping


Well-Known Member
Could be stress related as it being main stalk .... I would forgo any more “ training “ on this plant until she recovers ( which may be a while ) . Is it uptakeing water regularly? ....

Noticed you don’t ph correct .... regardless of your RO use , you should at least know if you are ranged to match medium.
FFOF is 6.3 out of bag .... acceptable ph range for plant is 6.5 to 7.0 ( so if you dial your ph to match ) say 6.6 / 6.7 to allow for drift , then you will make all available elements available. It is that simple.

You can also ” recharge “ some of the mediums exhaustion by way of top dressing MORE FFOF and watering in at proper ph.
RO is stripped of calmag and then it needs it to be supplemented back in. I use tap with FFOF and it buffers it appropriately but I range it. I would at a minimum foliar magnesium sulfate ( Epsom) to help green her back through Foliar ( fast absorption).

Your feed is pretty heavy handed with a soil that is already precharged.


Well-Known Member
7.0 is fine, tap water would be fine for your soil.

What’s the NPK on that Dr Earth?

At your stage you should be using a 4-4-4 or something similar.


Well-Known Member
Could be stress related as it being main stalk .... I would forgo any more “ training “ on this plant until she recovers ( which may be a while ) . Is it uptakeing water regularly? ....

Noticed you don’t ph correct .... regardless of your RO use , you should at least know if you are ranged to match medium.
FFOF is 6.3 out of bag .... acceptable ph range for plant is 6.5 to 7.0 ( so if you dial your ph to match ) say 6.6 / 6.7 to allow for drift , then you will make all available elements available. It is that simple.

You can also ” recharge “ some of the mediums exhaustion by way of top dressing MORE FFOF and watering in at proper ph.
RO is stripped of calmag and then it needs it to be supplemented back in. I use tap with FFOF and it buffers it appropriately but I range it. I would at a minimum foliar magnesium sulfate ( Epsom) to help green her back through Foliar ( fast absorption).

Your feed is pretty heavy handed with a soil that is already precharged.

its not drying as fast the other one , its taking longer than 3-4 days to dry out

alright so Ill ph my water from now to 6.6-6.7

I am using the Fert after 2-3 weeks after being in the soil ..
so do u suggest top dressing with the ocean forest to recharge the soil instead of using the, I've already have the so id like to use that up but im open to your advice bud ..

but I've already added the a few days ago to the sick plant, so next time around recharge it with ocean forest?

but for now; ph water to 6.6-6.7 and use a magnesium sulfate ( Epsom) foilar spray? right?
to keep the ph adjusting organic , is earth juice ph down any good?
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Well-Known Member
7.0 is fine, tap water would be fine for your soil.

What’s the NPK on that Dr Earth?

At your stage you should be using a 4-4-4 or something similar.

tomato & herb - 4-6-3
all purpose- 4-4-4

I topped dressed with 3 tbs of 4-6-3 & 2 tbs of 4-4-4... 2-3 weeks after being in the ocean forest

im going by "stealth grow"onYouTube regimen


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind every plant is different. They will have different needs. I’m not sure 5 Tbs is enough for a 5 gallon pot. Is that what the guy on YouTube grew jn? 5 gallon?
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Well-Known Member
Keep in mind every plant is different. They will have different needs. I’m not sure 5 Tbs is enough for a 5 gallon pot. Is that what the guy on YouTube grew jn? 5 gallon?
he used 5 gallons as a reference to explain how he uses

2tbs per gallon of soil so for a 5 gallon it'll be 10 tbs but I went with half just in case , he explained his ratios also which looks like

10 tbs for 5 gallon pot
ratio- 60/40
6tbs of 4-6-3
4tbs of 4-4-4

and I used half for the first top dress to see how it goes


Well-Known Member
4-4-4 is fine ... not sure if i would combine dry fertilizer so i would say pick one.

If she is at least drinking then she can come around.
There is something being locked out. If you try simpler feeds then you can monitor


Well-Known Member
he used 5 gallons as a reference to explain how he uses

2tbs per gallon of soil so for a 5 gallon it'll be 10 tbs but I went with half just in case , he explained his ratios also which looks like

10 tbs for 5 gallon pot
ratio- 60/40
6tbs of 4-6-3
4tbs of 4-4-4

and I used half for the first top dress to see how it goes
Well you can see how it effected your plants differently. I would add the 4-4-4 to the light plant and closer to what he recommends. Once you get behind it’s hard to catch up.


Well-Known Member
I also have some bag seed outdoors in ocean forest & some in roots organic with perlite , and they are getting tap water but ph is at 8.4
also some compost tea and so far there looking good other than overwatering on 2 of them.. should I ph the water or leave it as is and ph if a deficiency comes up? some people say to ph and other not to ph ..

im leaning towards ph'n the water every time, im looking into earth juice organic ph down



Well-Known Member
Dr. Earth dry fertilizer and flower girl can do your grow right .... without help. I would let host medium do the INTIAL feeding up front for a few weeks then dry dr. Earth scratched in to bump the feed ..... run it through “ stretch phase “ after flip THEN when stretch stopped or slowed ( plant us now focused on bloom ) then introduce flower girl on next feeding after that.


Well-Known Member
Yes if you’re not mixing them then you know the ratio is correct. The only tricky part is figuring out exactly when to drop the N. It’s going to take a few runs that get it