diagnosis please!

No. Never used recharge, especially on fresh soil lol! I use raised beds, with lotsa manures, compost and minerals added every season. Indoors for veg thru winter and nursery in spring.
Think about a potassium source. Might get hungry for it. K-mag is a good granular top dress works well. Kelp works well as a liquid. Mix very very well if using the freeze dried kelp flakes as it clumps in water hella easy.
K-mag, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate mineral. Usuall a 0-0-20something depending on brand or organic etc. Granular. Lazy.
I dig out some of the soil like a wheel barrow every 5 years, and deep till at that time too. I replace that amount with fresh soil and, or just remediated soil (sat in a pile for 2-3 years with some horse and rabbit manure to get worms in it).
I "recharge" every season with bio live, worm casts, compost, and glacial rock dust. I can directly plant into this and top dress ferts and other amendments or add ferts and let sit for 1-2 weeks before planting.
First off, huge kudos to you. I’m sure That’s been a great ton of work and Patience. I have patience but filled to the brim with anticipation!. I’ve been feeling like the new growth stalks haven’t been as strong as they should be. I’ve had the thought it’s been the quick onset growth or air circulation wasn’t quite up to par. But after reading more about it seems potash brings much more to the table than I thought. I got langbeinite from down to earth. It’s 0-0-22, i plan on another top dress somewhere around the three week mark. Should I just add this in then with the flower and seabird guano?
Top dress best. Highly soluble and mobile, will wash out fast. Careful overdoing it though. Potassium toxicity, especially moderately will decrease quality, and yeild. Very dark green leaves...You would think they should've done better.
Please remember we are helping based on a picture taken under grow lights. We can't clearly see any obvious chlorosis in your picture.
Dont do anything yet!!
Do your research take my info and others with a grain of salt and dont over think it and dont over do it.
Top dress best. Highly soluble and mobile, will wash out fast. Careful overdoing it though. Potassium toxicity, especially moderately will decrease quality, and yeild. Very dark green leaves...You would think they should've done better.
Please remember we are helping based on a picture taken under grow lights. We can't clearly see any obvious chlorosis in your picture.
Dont do anything yet!!
Do your research take my info and others with a grain of salt and dont over think it and dont over do it.
I appreciate you. I do know that this light seems to make everything look lighter in color. But I will do just that. I’m new to this soil thing, I never knew there was so much. Makes me miss the days of blissful ignorance. My wife hates me now because all I do is research lol. But I’m sure she’ll be happy come harvest time and I hand her this Bouquet of roses