You seem to go to lots of factories/manufacturing facilities. How do they keep their ceiling areas up where the lights are clean? Frequent cleaning crews or some automated system?Still 15 more miles of ice to melt in the hills...down to 6 inches left in the woods now. So F@#$ing cold today.
Finished up some work at a hot water boiler factory, they make nice gear. Look like mini nuclear reactors.
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I had to redo the bottom of my under sink cabinet, last year. I love it now. It's bright and clean and LEVEL!! Homeownership is so much funSpent more quality time in the crawlspace dealing with drainage issues from the kitchen sink. Oh such fun!
Yeah, I see the lateral holes in the fresh air ducts, air circulation up there would preclude dust settlingYou can see the engineering controls (hoods) that go over areas that need it, those are more common now.
More fresh air and filtering has been added over the years, blue fresh air ducts are common now like the ones on the ceiling.
Did they all get seeds or just one? Hopefully not too many...a few isn't terrible.Hacked down my last 2 plants. Going to clean up the room and wipe it down to make sure there is no pollen left in there. I need to add a board to my pedestal to keep the plywood sheets from bending when I stand on the middle of it. I have some clones I vegged in the closet to swap in there. Going to polish the hood and move it out about 6" prior to firing it up also.
Fuck that shit. I’ll never be ok with dyingAge 65 here, I've done almost every thing I wanted and am OK with dying.
I missed out on owning a giant rabbit and walking up to Machu Picchu in case you were wondering.
I guess that would depend on how old you are at the moment.Fuck that shit. I’ll never be ok with dying
I sware, i just don’t see me ever being that way.I guess that would depend on how old you are at the moment.
Limited mobility, constant pains, chronic medical conditions, erectile dysfunction ..... you'll all get those and after a while you get a bit tired of it all.
Imagine having to list all the shit you lost in your garage if a fire took it all to collect what you have coming from the insurance.If I died tomorrow I wouldn't have to deal with all the shit in the garage
I just love moving. I'm so happy I decided to embark on this endeavor. Especially at my busiest time of year. Sleep is honestly overrated anyways. Just super stoked with my decision right now.
I'm just real happy to be doing all this work.
Real .........real happy.
Even better is the fact that my sons are both the perfect age not to be able to help me.
Did i mention its my busiest time of year? And I've made a well planned, strategic move to bury my existence in the wonderful activity we all know as work.
Just love that I'm moving.
Hecka fun.
@420God wanna jump on our bikes and dissappear to Mexico with me? I'll let you be the leader of our new cartel.
Lol! Thanks, bro. I needed that laugh. Love your posts, glad you're back. Now stop yapping and get back to work, those boxes ain't gonna move themselves.