The Game is over Trump

You guys are actually very misinformed look this up specifically republicans deny cannabis bill to keep alcohol and opioid companies from controlling industry look up the democratic bills on the situation actually tie in the alcohol and cannabis industries together and whoever has a liscense to sell alcohol will have the right to sell cannabis republicans are actually adding medical research into their bills so quit getting your news from cnn and do a little research please biden wrote the 1999 criminial act which gives minorities longer sentences for drug crimes do your research ps: from a true bipartisan
You should learn how to use punctuation. A 300-word run-on sentence is difficult to understand.
You guys are actually very misinformed look this up specifically republicans deny cannabis bill to keep alcohol and opioid companies from controlling industry look up the democratic bills on the situation actually tie in the alcohol and cannabis industries together and whoever has a liscense to sell alcohol will have the right to sell cannabis republicans are actually adding medical research into their bills so quit getting your news from cnn and do a little research please biden wrote the 1999 criminial act which gives minorities longer sentences for drug crimes do your research ps: from a true bipartisan
And Biden said he was wrong, twenty years can give people a different perspective.
And Biden said he was wrong, twenty years can give people a different perspective.
He also apologised for voting against desegregation of school transportation, so i guess all is forgiven. Bidens been in politics for 50 years the same regime that made cannabis a schedule 1 narcotic, and yall think hes for the cannabis industry hes only in it to make money, but im the sock puppet? okay.... and is that enough punctuation.......
We're not single issue voters like you find on every gun forum. There's more to life than marijuana.
I brought up at least two other points besides cannabis also, one was the longer prison sentences for minorities that biden wrote into law, the other was the fact he voted against desegregation of school transportation, seems like two pretty immoral things in life if you ask me.
The bill provided funding for thousands of law enforcement jobs and billions for various crime prevention programs. This sounds fine on the front end, doesn't it? Because I'm sure you've thought this through and realize that things aren't voted for in hindsight. The result on the back end was that it sent lots of minorities to prison, but voting happens on the front end before the results are known and if a person is voting to specifically send minorities to prison, then those minorities must be referenced in the bill, which of course they are not. The talking point exists because people are manipulative assholes conflating hindsight with foresight.
He also apologised for voting against desegregation of school transportation, so i guess all is forgiven. Bidens been in politics for 50 years the same regime that made cannabis a schedule 1 narcotic, and yall think hes for the cannabis industry hes only in it to make money, but im the sock puppet? okay.... and is that enough punctuation.......
What do you mean by 'the same regime that made cannabis a schedule 1'

This has all been trolled about Biden before and was all bullshit then, and is now still too.

I don't think that the cannabis industry is even a blip on the guys radar as far as his agenda goes. He is perfectly happy to let the states open it up and focus on more important issues like the pandemic, crashed economy, years of our citizens being under assault from the Russian military, and the flood of immigrants that have been dying on our doorstep. Just to name a few.

I brought up at least two other points besides cannabis also, one was the longer prison sentences for minorities that biden wrote into law, the other was the fact he voted against desegregation of school transportation, seems like two pretty immoral things in life if you ask me.

The desegregation is a nice touch. I call bullshit on that one too.

Biden was spot on, and we are dealing with the results of nothing being done to combat this to this day.
Is that fact checked by snopes? lmao i sure hope so.. i think you guys got me wrong, i DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP!!! Fuck trump im just saying i dont think Bidens the answer either thats all, alot of underlying things written into these cannabis bills thats gonna make the rich even richer and try to shut out the people who truly want to do good.. but im gonna leave it there guys peace!!
We were presented with a question that had only two options, so he was the answer, relatively speaking. He's certainly not the answer for fixing what's wrong with us(greed, fear, opportunism, etc.).
I brought up at least two other points besides cannabis also, one was the longer prison sentences for minorities that biden wrote into law, the other was the fact he voted against desegregation of school transportation, seems like two pretty immoral things in life if you ask me.
Elections are about making a choice. The choice was Biden or Trump.

His stances on all of those issues has softened or change over time. However, because Biden is like most of his generation in that twenty or more years ago he opposed cannabis, and busing to desegregate schools and was for a "tough on crime bill" that mostly affected Black or Hispanic people, you think Trump was the better choice? I'm in no way saying I ever supported those positions but, Trump? Really?
We were presented with a question that had only two options, so he was the answer, relatively speaking. He's certainly not the answer for fixing what's wrong with us(greed, fear, opportunism, etc.).
That hair shirt is looking good on you Moory
Oh, and the inability to acknowledge our own faults because our 'murica ego prevents us from accepting the fact that we're not as good as we think we are. Lookup pretty much any stat, we're not first in very many and the ones we are first in, aren't good ones. It's pretty easy to objectively prove we're not awesome, no matter how much some dumbfucks suggest otherwise.
Is that fact checked by snopes? lmao i sure hope so.. i think you guys got me wrong, i DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP!!! Fuck trump im just saying i dont think Bidens the answer either thats all, alot of underlying things written into these cannabis bills thats gonna make the rich even richer and try to shut out the people who truly want to do good.. but im gonna leave it there guys peace!!
Take it easy man. Have a good week.

If you do check back though, understand that the Democrats are not a cult, no matter how much money goes into trying to get people to believe otherwise. There is no 'one person' that can get anything done, Biden is solid enough to actually get the best people in place to do the work for all 100% of our nation.
Oh, and the inability to acknowledge our own faults because our 'murica ego prevents us from accepting the fact that we're not as good as we think we are. Lookup pretty much any stat, we're not first in very many and the ones we are first in, aren't good ones. It's pretty easy to objectively prove we're not awesome, no matter how much some dumbfucks suggest otherwise.
You said it already. You believe Americans are shits. You are saying that the whole population has collective responsibility for all of US's sins regardless of what we said or did or whether or not we were born at the time. By this logic, I'm responsible for Trump and the Capitol Building insurrection. Doesn't matter what I did or said in opposition to him. from what you say, I'm responsible. I reject that logic for being idiotic but I hear you.

Like I said. That hair shirt you are wearing suits you. Goes with your brown eyes.
It's not binary, but because you're so sensitive, you make it binary.

I don't know why I clicked to view your comment, same old hypersensitivity pearl clutching.