how soon can I start 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Yes when you clone you need that powder, the stuff I use is called take root from schultz, you can get it very easily at a hardware store etc... You just have a female "mother" and then when your ready go take a stem with nodes on it I shave it a little at the bottom and put the powder on and stick it in the dirt. You need to baby them at first. I put mine in a humid little biosphere ( upside down empty dog treat container) Like I said my little one there is a total accident. I was being a clod and bumped one of my regular plants and it broke off so I cloned it. The pot it's in is a 4 inch by 8 inch and it's about 3 weeks into flowering now. It stopped growing for a bit while it was getting some roots. But it will just be one big bud. and yeah I'm down with and on the clown LOL


Well-Known Member
In the pic with all the plants there are some that are older than the others, one of the good things about cloning, you can always have weed ready to go and yes that little gal is in that picture too.


Active Member
thanks for the info on the cloning, I want to get a real grow going one day. Get me a place waaayy back in the woods and do large scale grow.guerilla style.. when living get's tough people will still smoke weed.and I'll have the most.Its the most profitable cash crop I'll ever do.:blsmoke: . LOL my worms (I put a bunch of them lil red worms in there) dont seem to like the poop water. I had about 10 of them crawl out and die :-?. maby I flooded them a bit...


Active Member
Damn, this site wont let me edit my posts now.I hate dialupCheck this out. here is a pic of a plant I have that about 2 weeks ago stalled out just stoped growing at the first node. I was about to kill it, then 4 or so days ago it split. Like they do when you top them, But I didnt do shit to it!! See how the new leaves are all twisted? they were more twisted/cuped but they are geting better Anyone see anything like this before?


Well-Known Member
I can prolly guess why it was messed up , why u got like 3+ plants in 1 pot?

Damn, this site wont let me edit my posts now.I hate dialupCheck this out. here is a pic of a plant I have that about 2 weeks ago stalled out just stoped growing at the first node. I was about to kill it, then 4 or so days ago it split. Like they do when you top them, But I didnt do shit to it!! See how the new leaves are all twisted? they were more twisted/cuped but they are geting better Anyone see anything like this before?


Active Member
You think its because there all together?
I have 8 plants in one pot. its about 2.8 feet long. It wasnt the best idea, but by the time I realized that its a bad idea I figured there roots had spread to far to get them apart without F'in them up so im just going to leave it alone and train them to stand apart from eachother. At first I was just going to leave them in starter pots and didnt plan on harvesting them. Ill post pictures of the whole pot tomorow, I need to sleep now.


Well-Known Member
You think its because there all together?
I have 8 plants in one pot. its about 2.8 feet long. It wasnt the best idea, but by the time I realized that its a bad idea I figured there roots had spread to far to get them apart without F'in them up so im just going to leave it alone and train them to stand apart from eachother. At first I was just going to leave them in starter pots and didnt plan on harvesting them. Ill post pictures of the whole pot tomorow, I need to sleep now.
training em is a good idea, but having ur plants close together really isnt the issue, its having all those plants roots all in one pot. But ur right, changing them now would probably end up killing them because the roots are prolly all tangled together n stuff now, ud prolly end up ripping the roots up.

It is doable, but I wouldnt suggest it. Like u said, prolly better off sticking it out and hope things go well. 8 plants is ALOT to have in a 3 foot long pot, I dunno how you would do it, but if I were u , id try and somehow get them in a deeper and longer x wider pot, so the roots have more area to travel. But like i said, doing that would be almost impossible, ud need like 8 people to do it, 1 for each plant lol


Well-Known Member
Hey, Pazzo I was wondering on where ya get that aluminum foil looking stuff behind the plants? Like a regular hardware store or something?

Here's some white widow I flowered at 1.5 weeks of veg. at about 2-3" tall, they averaged 16" tall and got 3/4-1oz. per plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Pazzo I was wondering on where ya get that aluminum foil looking stuff behind the plants? Like a regular hardware store or something?
its Mylar , garden stores, hydro stores have it. u can buy some Cheap mans mylar = shiny wrapping paper with the mylar on the backside of it :) lol


Well-Known Member
Hey, Pazzo I was wondering on where ya get that aluminum foil looking stuff behind the plants? Like a regular hardware store or something?
Yeah it's mylar. I got mine off the internet but I found a local hydro store that has it too.


Active Member
So you can flower at 4 inches?
What is the ideal height to flower at?
Been growing about 5 weeks or so- 24 hrs of light under 2 CFLs. They are about 6 inches tall.
I need to repot them and then get the HPS hooked up.
Also isnt the more light the better potency wise? If you are trying for higher potency should you do a 18-6 schedule over a 12-12? Will the 18-6 make it flower slower but more potent?


Well-Known Member
So you can flower at 4 inches?
What is the ideal height to flower at?
Been growing about 5 weeks or so- 24 hrs of light under 2 CFLs. They are about 6 inches tall.
I need to repot them and then get the HPS hooked up.
Also isnt the more light the better potency wise? If you are trying for higher potency should you do a 18-6 schedule over a 12-12? Will the 18-6 make it flower slower but more potent?
only an autoflowering strain will flower at all on an 18/6 schedule at all. 12/12 signals the comming of winter to the plant and forces it to flower in order to reproduce. when people say "the more light the better" they are refering to the amount of light given during the 12 hours of light. and yes you can induce flower at any time but the plant will not actually begin to show flowers until it reaches sexual maturity. if you switch to 12/12 now you will be able to tell the sex of your plants in 2 weeks or less in most cases.


Well-Known Member
its Mylar , garden stores, hydro stores have it. u can buy some Cheap mans mylar = shiny wrapping paper with the mylar on the backside of it :) lol
Yeah it's mylar. I got mine off the internet but I found a local hydro store that has it too.

I used some of those emergency blankets that you can get, probably anywhere, meaning Wal Marts sportsmen section it was like 2 bucks. It is flimsy tho so be prepared before you go to hang it.
I tried an experiment and had 3 plants in one big pot outside, but I tied them down so they wouldn't crowd each others light. Turned out great but like I said I was just messing around, Too many clones not enough pots and room so I threw it outside. I don't use this method but it did work.


Active Member
only an autoflowering strain will flower at all on an 18/6 schedule at all. 12/12 signals the comming of winter to the plant and forces it to flower in order to reproduce. when people say "the more light the better" they are refering to the amount of light given during the 12 hours of light. and yes you can induce flower at any time but the plant will not actually begin to show flowers until it reaches sexual maturity. if you switch to 12/12 now you will be able to tell the sex of your plants in 2 weeks or less in most cases.
OK I understand now! I appreciate you setting me straight.

I am assuming that under a 400 watt HPS light during flowering is the "most" amount of light you can give it under the 12/12 or is there something stronger?

I have been reading this forum for a month now and I still have so much more to learn...


Well-Known Member
OK I understand now! I appreciate you setting me straight.

I am assuming that under a 400 watt HPS light during flowering is the "most" amount of light you can give it under the 12/12 or is there something stronger?

I have been reading this forum for a month now and I still have so much more to learn...
no there are much stronger lights than 400w. alot of guys use 1000w. for a personal grow a 1000w is just not neccessary. its just a matter of how many plants your growing, how big your space is, truth is you can go from seed to harvest with a 150w cfl if you wanted to but it would take alot longer and the quality of your buds wouldn't be as great. best advise i could give you would be to start your own thread with pics of your plants and you'll have more advice and help along the way then you could ever ask for.


Active Member
no there are much stronger lights than 400w. alot of guys use 1000w. for a personal grow a 1000w is just not neccessary. its just a matter of how many plants your growing, how big your space is, truth is you can go from seed to harvest with a 150w cfl if you wanted to but it would take alot longer and the quality of your buds wouldn't be as great. best advise i could give you would be to start your own thread with pics of your plants and you'll have more advice and help along the way then you could ever ask for.
Yeah I am getting the pics and all ready to go. Just need to get the camera.
Grow space is about 3.5 feet wide, 2.5 feet deep and 5 feet tall box.
Have 6 plants growing- still havent found out the sex- obviously.
Hope to get up to 6-8 female plants going at peak.
Also plan to make a separate veg box... so a lot is still in the works.

I would rather use HPS during flowering so I can get the higher quality buds and not take as long. Anyways thanks again and have fun with the rest of your grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the info. ill look into it... i kinda need it because i have a 6wx12.5lx9 to 10 foot hight... and i got 3 flood trays in there and quite a few beautys in there... i'll get some pictures up soon for ya to gander at


Well-Known Member
i tried lows earlier and they didnt have any, i will try my local hydro store to see if they have some. if not i will end up trying to find it online.


Well-Known Member
umm you should a 400 watt because its a small space, and i think 4 plants would be the best... because it will bush out and get tall.. make sure that you leave enough space for the light itself and the plants because in the flower stage it can double to triple in size...
and you cant have it to close to the plants