Examples of GOP Leadership

. . . . . . . . Couple that with What do they actually stand for policy wise. . . . . .
It was pretty ironic that for the 2020 convention Mr Trumpf decided to just re-use the same platform from the 2016 convention. It fit a little better than wanted. . . Change the Dems to Rep and it is spot on.

Our economy has become unnecessarily weak with stagnant wages. People living paycheck to paycheck are struggling, sacrificing, and suffering.
Americans have earned and deserve a strong and healthy economy.
Our standing in world affairs has declined significantly — our enemies no longer fear us and our friends no long trust us.
People want and expect an America that is the most powerful and respected country on the face of the earth.
The men and women of our military remain the world's best. The[y] have been shortchanged in numbers, equipment, and benefits by a Commander in Chief who treats the Armed Forces and our veterans as a necessary inconvenience.
The President and the Democratic party have dismantled Americans' system of healthcare. They have replaced it with a costly and complicated scheme that limits choices and takes away our freedom.
The President and the Democratic party have abandoned their promise of being accountable to the American people.
They have nearly doubled the size of the national debt.
Florida Democrats call for election redo after former state senator allegedly tampered with race
The Democrats are calling on state Sen. Ileana Garcia (R) to resign and for officials to set up a special election after former Republican state Sen. Frank Artiles was arrested on Thursday for allegedly planting a shadow candidate to defeat Democratic incumbent José Javier Rodriguez in state Senate District 37.

“Her victory is clearly tainted and will forever cast a cloud on her service in the Senate, not to mention the entire Florida Senate. In the interest of fairness and the sanctity of our Democratic electoral process, we call on Sen. Garcia to resign immediately and that a fair special election be held as soon as possible,” Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz said at a press conference Friday.

“This election in Senate District 37 was manipulated and it was decided by 32 votes. So it is clear that the manipulation had an impact on the outcome of the election,” added state Senate Minority Leader Gary Farmer. “The best way to make sure this doesn’t occur again is to redo the election in SD 37 and ensure that we have a fair election and pass laws that protect the integrity of our elections.”

The statements come a day after Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle rolled out the charges against Artiles, who resigned from the Florida state senate in 2017 after using a racial slur in a conversation with Black colleagues.

Artiles allegedly paid Alex Rodriguez $44,000 to run in the election, which also featured the incumbent state senator and Garcia. Investigators allege that Artiles put Alex Rodriguez in the race in the hopes that voters would be confused by his identical last name with José Javier Rodriguez and he would siphon votes away from the Democratic candidate.
Florida Democrats call for election redo after former state senator allegedly tampered with race
The Democrats are calling on state Sen. Ileana Garcia (R) to resign and for officials to set up a special election after former Republican state Sen. Frank Artiles was arrested on Thursday for allegedly planting a shadow candidate to defeat Democratic incumbent José Javier Rodriguez in state Senate District 37.

“Her victory is clearly tainted and will forever cast a cloud on her service in the Senate, not to mention the entire Florida Senate. In the interest of fairness and the sanctity of our Democratic electoral process, we call on Sen. Garcia to resign immediately and that a fair special election be held as soon as possible,” Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz said at a press conference Friday.

“This election in Senate District 37 was manipulated and it was decided by 32 votes. So it is clear that the manipulation had an impact on the outcome of the election,” added state Senate Minority Leader Gary Farmer. “The best way to make sure this doesn’t occur again is to redo the election in SD 37 and ensure that we have a fair election and pass laws that protect the integrity of our elections.”

The statements come a day after Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle rolled out the charges against Artiles, who resigned from the Florida state senate in 2017 after using a racial slur in a conversation with Black colleagues.

Artiles allegedly paid Alex Rodriguez $44,000 to run in the election, which also featured the incumbent state senator and Garcia. Investigators allege that Artiles put Alex Rodriguez in the race in the hopes that voters would be confused by his identical last name with José Javier Rodriguez and he would siphon votes away from the Democratic candidate.

you think this is bad, wait until 2024.
that's the cool thing about your government- if you like them you can keep them.
I think term limits are a good thing. If you guys can get members of Congress and SC judges included with the 22nd amendment, you’re on to something.

I’d like to see that here, along with the abolition of our senate.
dude had covid and suicided himself. he was 65. jesus..they have medicine for this now..ringing in his ears just blew his mind..it goes away.

I have heard of others that had tinnitus and could not deal with it. I have it constantly because of the medication I am on.
that's because the new playbook is mccarthy wasn't in on the Insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th 2021.

i'm waiting for my 2024 bracket sheet- when does it come out?
You were right about DeSantis's ambitions:

Florida's DeSantis positions himself as Trump's heir to the White House
Bashing lockdowns and dissing the press, the GOP governor emerges as a strong potential 2024 hopeful.
I have heard of others that had tinnitus and could not deal with it. I have it constantly because of the medication I am on.

I've had it since having meningitis about 6 years ago, pretty fucking annoying, mine never goes away but isn't real loud so I think mine is mild compared to some. Between hearing loss and tinnitus my favorite word is "what".
I have heard of others that had tinnitus and could not deal with it. I have it constantly because of the medication I am on.
I have it bad but I've learned to live with it. I can't take medication for it because of the other medications I'm on for severe nerve damage in my spine.
I've had it since having meningitis about 6 years ago, pretty fucking annoying, mine never goes away but isn't real loud so I think mine is mild compared to some. Between hearing loss and tinnitus my favorite word is "what".
My main phrase now is, "Oh that is where you are." Ranging from my glasses to pretty much everything else.

I tried another medication one time and the day after I stopped taking the current one, it was quiet, something I haven't heard in years. Then the pain came back and the trial medication did little for it. So it is just a part of life. Not as bad as, dancing in front of the band's PA oh so many years ago, I can imagine it at that level but doubt it would make me end it all. Now if any medication did not work any more, already picked a method.
They need to pass HR-1 and if they are gonna break the filibuster, go for broke, just make sure it both helps level the playing field and is popular. The republicans are unfit to hold power and are a real and present danger to the republic and it's constitution. This is not normal politics, they are anti democratic and illiberal, were and are in an alliance with a hostile foreign power, while spreading it's disinformation and openly supporting insurrection.
Democrats vow to go 'bold' — with or without GOP | TheHill

Democrats vow to go 'bold' — with or without GOP

Democrats are warning they won't tolerate GOP stonewalling as they try to make good on their pledge to enact a “bold” agenda and avoid Obama-era missteps.

Fresh off a big win on coronavirus relief, Democrats are facing intense pressure not to water down their legislative priorities after years of a backed-up wish list during the Trump-era and a decade since the party has had a unified government it could use to muscle through sweeping reforms considered anathema to the GOP.
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You were right about DeSantis's ambitions:

Florida's DeSantis positions himself as Trump's heir to the White House
Bashing lockdowns and dissing the press, the GOP governor emerges as a strong potential 2024 hopeful.

we have to fortify now and start saying some prayers that i don't necessarily believe in..it's going to get ugly guys.

the only true way is removal of some sort..however that happens.

@doublejj resume digging- they're going for Greater Idaho..I only hope to God fogdog gets smart and figures a way to make a toll road for the rebels to cross his land and be paid for.