What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
My accomplishment for the day is closing on a refinance of my home. I lowered the interest rate substantially, which decreases my monthly payments by $150, while also shortening my loan term by 2 1/2 years. Cash to close was less than one mortgage payment, and I also get to skip one month's payment between the old loan and the new loan. My calculations say this is saving me close to $50k by the time the loan is paid off. If you have been thinking about refinancing now while rates are super low due to covid, don't think any longer, just do it. Rates are already starting to creep back up, I locked my rate in while they were at rock bottom.
My problem is I'm so close to pay off and the savings would only be a couple grand. I'm so f'n paperwork averse I'll pay that

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
My problem is I'm so close to pay off and the savings would only be a couple grand. I'm so f'n paperwork averse I'll pay that
Yeah dude, I hear you there. We signed close to 200 pages of documents today, and did my best to at least scan thru every page before signing. Getting thru bureaucracy is a real skill to have these days. I still had over 27 years on my loan, so the savings for me are substantial. Converted it to a 25.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yeah dude, I hear you there. We signed close to 200 pages of documents today, and did my best to at least scan thru every page before signing. Getting thru bureaucracy is a real skill to have these days. I still had over 27 years on my loan, so the savings for me are substantial. Converted it to a 25.
Ahh!! So the savings were worth the bullshit! That makes sense. We are at 3.5 and only have a couple years to go.


Well-Known Member
Anyone seen @Bareback .......... just wondering if he wanted to throw shaving cream filled condoms off the overpass with me again.

Welp, guess I'll trim my fingernails for a bed time snack and a quiet evening in.

Pretty sure @Bobby schmeckle has been converted by the door knockers ........ or hes dead.

Sure hope its not the first one.

Night Penis everyone.

((Slow awkward bow of undecidedness))



Well-Known Member
I have a bunch of bees that are always in my Rosemary bushes. I enjoy watching them and sometimes wonder where their hive is and how their honey tastes.
Got 2 years in a Thai prison for thoughts like that. Just be careful. Im willing to find it for you, but I'm certain you knew that already. There's like 7 or 8 of you id punch a Bee in the face for.

Did I tell you I'm up to 4 hives now Annie?


Well-Known Member
Are those sunfish? Whacha making?
Yeah, red breasted blue gills. ......... hey I showed you my breast now show me.......

Fried in bacon grease, breaded with corn meal......mmmmmmmmm

Anyone seen @Bareback .......... just wondering if he wanted to throw shaving cream filled condoms off the overpass with me again.

Welp, guess I'll trim my fingernails for a bed time snack and a quiet evening in.

Pretty sure @Bobby schmeckle has been converted by the door knockers ........ or hes dead.

Sure hope its not the first one.

Night Penis everyone.

((Slow awkward bow of undecidedness))

Yeah bro I’m down for it , I just need to run by the health clinic to re-up ...... dim bitchs be given me a hard time about picking up the 100 count rolls twice a week . Ohh I got some cream cheese edge gel for that realistic look like you like so much..... I mean it was cool the first dozen times but I kinda want to put sausage in them again.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Got 2 years in a Thai prison for thoughts like that. Just be careful. Im willing to find it for you, but I'm certain you knew that already. There's like 7 or 8 of you id punch a Bee in the face for.

Did I tell you I'm up to 4 hives now Annie?
I've heard Benadryl helps with hives :)

BTW I have it on good authority that your 'box' arrived at @Metasynth 's house and he said it was very thoughtful of you to use the live chicken notations so they were kept warm and given water. He's fed them and it's my understanding he forwarded them to @Bobby schmeckle who has two unmarried daughters. He said he felt bad he only had one and it was the right thing to do to share the wealth. I agreed.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yeah, red breasted blue gills. ......... hey I showed you my breast now show me.......

Fried in bacon grease, breaded with corn meal......mmmmmmmmm

Yeah bro I’m down for it , I just need to run by the health clinic to re-up ...... dim bitchs be given me a hard time about picking up the 100 count rolls twice a week . Ohh I got some cream cheese edge gel for that realistic look like you like so much..... I mean it was cool the first dozen times but I kinda want to put sausage in them again.
I'm so glad to see RIU getting back to abnormal again


Well-Known Member
The VA called me at 7 am today looking for dad...I was still in bed. My dad doesn't know how to operate his voicemail. It's full. He doesn't answer his phone. He can't hear it or figure out how to answer it fast enough. He has it for 2 reasons. Porn, and to make a call when HE wants...and he NEVER hangs up so you always get an interesting 5 minute voicemail from him. The man has had an IQ of 165, but can not operate a phone. Many have tried.

I texted him and he replied...Looks like I'm cooking for Easter :( Maybe it will be nice and I can do steaks on the grill.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, red breasted blue gills. ......... hey I showed you my breast now show me.......

Fried in bacon grease, breaded with corn meal......mmmmmmmmm

Yeah bro I’m down for it , I just need to run by the health clinic to re-up ...... dim bitchs be given me a hard time about picking up the 100 count rolls twice a week . Ohh I got some cream cheese edge gel for that realistic look like you like so much..... I mean it was cool the first dozen times but I kinda want to put sausage in them again.

I'm good with it. Getting ready to go on my nude bicycle ride. Feel free to cum along. We could ride the tandem bike. If im already gone, just use my wife's bike,Its the one with a giant double headed dildo as the seat.

Race you down the hill.


Well-Known Member
I've heard Benadryl helps with hives :)

BTW I have it on good authority that your 'box' arrived at @Metasynth 's house and he said it was very thoughtful of you to use the live chicken notations so they were kept warm and given water. He's fed them and it's my understanding he forwarded them to @Bobby schmeckle who has two unmarried daughters. He said he felt bad he only had one and it was the right thing to do to share the wealth. I agreed.
I actually bought 2 colonies for the hill a while ago. Then grandpa Inda , Lil Inda, and Chunker all decided to become Bee keepers. Ive actually got some pretty funny stories about the kids and those damn bees. Anyways, the honey isn't why I even got them, but its why they can stay rent free now. I cant eat regular store bought honey now. Fuck Farms finally looks like an oasis. I got all my oaks planted as well as native flowers. I terraced the hill and put stone paths. Added different fruit trees and some grape vines to one whole terrace. Put in some thick hedges on the bottom terrace. Definitely helps to break the wind coming up from the canyon. Finally got the watering system all dialed in, now the boys have lots of green lawn to play on. Its come a long way in a short amount of time. Just wish I could say the same about moving all my shit...lol.

Email me so I can share some photos of the house all complete and the progress on the property with you.