What did you accomplish today?


Ursus marijanus
Anyone seen @Bareback .......... just wondering if he wanted to throw shaving cream filled condoms off the overpass with me again.

Welp, guess I'll trim my fingernails for a bed time snack and a quiet evening in.

Pretty sure @Bobby schmeckle has been converted by the door knockers ........ or hes dead.

Sure hope its not the first one.

Night Penis everyone.

((Slow awkward bow of undecidedness))

I would not worry about the Tyrannoschmeckle. He is out living an episode of the XXX Files. You must believe, because the Troot is out there. He is probably unzipping his fly

rod bag as we speak.

As for the light repast of fingernails, I recommend giving your scalp a good scratch first. The side dish simply makes the meal. I have heard tell of those who scratch elsewhere, but these are the sort of savages who would take a bite out of a wedge of strong blue cheese without even one spicy wing in sight.



Well-Known Member
The VA called me at 7 am today looking for dad...I was still in bed. My dad doesn't know how to operate his voicemail. It's full. He doesn't answer his phone. He can't hear it or figure out how to answer it fast enough. He has it for 2 reasons. Porn, and to make a call when HE wants...and he NEVER hangs up so you always get an interesting 5 minute voicemail from him. The man has had an IQ of 165, but can not operate a phone. Many have tried.

I texted him and he replied...Looks like I'm cooking for Easter :( Maybe it will be nice and I can do steaks on the grill.
I have a good friend who won’t answer his phone...... one day while complaining about it to him, he replied “ I put the damn phone in for my convenience not yours “ .


Well-Known Member
If you don't text me about why you need to speak with me chances are I'm not answering the phone.
Amen. I can always tell the age of a client by how they use their phone. Anyone under 40 simply texts. It is so rare that people insist on actually speaking on the phone, it really is an inefficient way to communicate. I fucking hate talking to clients on the phone.


Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I'll come and videotape it if you both ride nude. I'll be immune, let's do this!
If we see any guys aggressively applying sunscreen I'm out. :D

Hmm, gives me 11 weeks to get to Toronto. Will I need a passport?
Passport, NEXUS or enhanced driver's license. We have rental bikes ;)

Love your new avi pic, yummy. It reminds me of my first wife -

View attachment 4861715

She is German and Japanese. Don't be alarmed by the drips on her face, it is only my semen.
That's almost spooky. Same chin and eyes... she has better eyebrows.

I could just imagine little pebbles getting thrown at my pecker.........nope sorry......I'll bring a scooter....

@ 22 seconds guy almost eats it on the streetcar track.