How to fill q raised bed?


Well-Known Member
So I'll be starting a veggie garden in some fabric raised beds ..

Can I make my own soil mix , fill half or so of the bed with mix and thn fill in with happy frog for the rest ? I already have a few bags of happy frog but to fill it with just happy frog could get a bit pricey plus the roots probbly won't reach to the bottom depending on type of herb or vegetable
. . . . . . .But like I was saying , Can I use the mix for 1/2 or 1/3 and the rest happy frog? Yes or no?
Gardening is a lot like sexual fantasies. The only limitations in what you can try are self induced. :)

I have a lot of beds and try to not spend real money on gardening, so I always use some sort of drainage/space saver at the bottom of beds. Wood chips or just weeds I have pulled work good for me. For taller raised beds I lay rounds of wood before adding soil.

I've never used Happy Frog, but I hear it is hot. I have killed dozens of cukes, squash and other viney stuff by using adult tomato soil mix. Make sure what you are planting goes with the soil you are using.
So I'll be starting a veggie garden in some fabric raised beds ..

Can I make my own soil mix , fill half or so of the bed with mix and thn fill in with happy frog for the rest ? I already have a few bags of happy frog but to fill it with just happy frog could get a bit pricey plus the roots probbly won't reach to the bottom depending on type of herb or vegetable
You should have a bulk soil place in your area,theyll sell sand,top soil,gravel,garden soil etc.Would be much cheaper.
You should have a bulk soil place in your area,theyll sell sand,top soil,gravel,garden soil etc.Would be much cheaper.

You have to be careful with some of the bulk soil. When I first filled my raised beds I ordered some of what they said was gardening soil. It turned out to be some nasty stuff that took me a couple years and a ton of amending to get anything to grow decently in. You can get excellent bulk soil. You just have to be careful as some places will sell you crap soil. My mistake was just ordering over the phone rather than going to the location and inspecting it. I ended up with some crap that looked like they dredged it off of a riverbed.

Moral of the story, don't trust the salesman on the phone. Go inspect it yourself before they dump a load in your driveway and take off.