Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Eh, the situation was what it was, but still, my kids teacher should have gotten it before me, but yep, was going to go to waste otherwise.

Thank you Russians, a majority of the staff where I got it are very Russian and not sure what news they were looking at but all backed out at the last minute except the dentists that own the place.


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What we already knew...
Trump’s Policies Resulted In The Unnecessary Deaths Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans: Lancet Report (

Trump’s Policies Resulted In The Unnecessary Deaths Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans: Lancet Report

TOPLINE Decades of policy failures that the Trump Administration exacerbated resulted in more than 450,000 unnecessary American deaths in 2018, with tens of thousands of additional deaths in other years also attributable to President Donald Trump's actions, according to a report published Thursday from a commission of health experts convened by the British medical journal The Lancet.
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Well-Known Member
I think they are being conservative, the US covid death numbers should be about 8.6 X the Canadian numbers. In Canada there are about a million cases and 22,800 deaths, if it was the USA the death total would be less than 200,000 right now. 400,000 died under Trumps watch, but another 100,000 sick people died in the month after he left so I figure he's responsible for 300,000 deaths minimum.
Analysis of Trump's COVID-19 Response Says 40% of US Deaths Avoidable (

Damning analysis of Trump's pandemic response suggested 40% of US COVID-19 deaths could have been avoided

  • A report on the Trump administration's policies suggested 40% of US COVID-19 deaths were avoidable.
  • Compared with six similarly wealthy countries, the US failed to protect citizens' health in the pandemic.
  • Trump publicly downplayed COVID-19 and often undermined health guidelines.
About 40% of US COVID-19 deaths "could have been averted," a new analysis of President Donald Trump's public-health policies found.
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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Eh, the situation was what it was, but still, my kids teacher should have gotten it before me, but yep, was going to go to waste otherwise.

Thank you Russians, a majority of the staff where I got it are very Russian and not sure what news they were looking at but all backed out at the last minute except the dentists that own the place.
That is so fucking weird. Backing out at the last minute? What a bunch of idiots. Why people are scared of getting the shot is so stupid! I guess they want to wait for that Sputnik one. Anyway, glad you got it . Have a nice weekend. Hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
Yea, me too
Sisters of Charity nuns
I said go fuck yourself
Now, I'm a alcoholic/pot grower
Who was right?
Riddle me this? :)
I went through the same stuff. I argued that turkey's fly. The nun said, no they don't. (shit, it's right there on the whiskey bottle label). I spent the whole day outside on a very chilly day, without my jacket. Granted, it was in So. California, not what those north would consider cold, but it was still infuriating. (Well, it was cold, just sitting on a bench) That said, I'm glad for my education.
Most "left handers", (my brother) I've met are actually somewhat ambidextrous. Not exactly equally, but they do tasks with one, or the other hand.
Rave on, John Donne.


Well-Known Member
I went through the same stuff. I argued that turkey's fly. The nun said, no they don't. (shit, it's right there on the whiskey bottle label). I spent the whole day outside on a very chilly day, without my jacket. Granted, it was in So. California, not what those north would consider cold, but it was still infuriating. (Well, it was cold, just sitting on a bench) That said, I'm glad for my education.
Most "left handers", (my brother) I've met are actually somewhat ambidextrous. Not exactly equally, but they do tasks with one, or the other hand.
Rave on, John Donne.
i've seen turkey fly IRL.


Well-Known Member
When the lie is so obvious and repeatedly shown on TV to be untrue it cuts into his base support, everybody saw the footage of the capital sacking, they were Trumpers and they were violent. Another case of don't believe what your lying eyes tell ya, believe me instead. The trouble is this is all out in the open and on video, it's different than the "stop the steal" big lie, there is no amuguity
I went through the same stuff. I argued that turkey's fly. The nun said, no they don't. (shit, it's right there on the whiskey bottle label). I spent the whole day outside on a very chilly day, without my jacket. Granted, it was in So. California, not what those north would consider cold, but it was still infuriating. (Well, it was cold, just sitting on a bench) That said, I'm glad for my education.
Most "left handers", (my brother) I've met are actually somewhat ambidextrous. Not exactly equally, but they do tasks with one, or the other hand.
Rave on, John Donne.
Dave Allen on Religion

Comedian Dave Allen remembers his introduction to religion - his first day of school!


Well-Known Member
No, they were Antifa, you can tell by all their social network footprints. Only a few Trump supporters there and they were only trying to... ...visit the halls during the festivities. Who knew something like this might have occurred?


Well-Known Member
BC Canada is having a large surge of the Brazilian variant. This is a bad looking variant from what I see coming out of Brazil, huge wave that is also killing the recovered survivors of the previous waves.


Well-Known Member
I think they are being conservative, the US covid death numbers should be about 8.6 X the Canadian numbers. In Canada there are about a million cases and 22,800 deaths, if it was the USA the death total would be less than 200,000 right now. 400,000 died under Trumps watch, but another 100,000 sick people died in the month after he left so I figure he's responsible for 300,000 deaths minimum.
Analysis of Trump's COVID-19 Response Says 40% of US Deaths Avoidable (

Damning analysis of Trump's pandemic response suggested 40% of US COVID-19 deaths could have been avoided

  • A report on the Trump administration's policies suggested 40% of US COVID-19 deaths were avoidable.
  • Compared with six similarly wealthy countries, the US failed to protect citizens' health in the pandemic.
  • Trump publicly downplayed COVID-19 and often undermined health guidelines.
About 40% of US COVID-19 deaths "could have been averted," a new analysis of President Donald Trump's public-health policies found.

The report, published by the Lancet Commission, excoriated Trump's handling of the pandemic and general approach to public health. "He expedited the spread of COVID-19 in the US," the authors wrote.

"Many of the cases and deaths were avoidable," they said, adding that "instead of galvanizing the US populace to fight the pandemic, President Trump publicly dismissed its threat (despite privately acknowledging it), discouraged action as infection spread, and eschewed international cooperation."

The US has recorded about 27 million COVID-19 cases and at least 471,000 deaths, though public-health experts have said those official tallies are likely undercounted.

The Lancet report did not place all the blame on Trump's policies, however; it also pointed to four decades of "long-standing flaws in US economic, health, and social policy" that compounded inefficiencies in the country's public-health systems before the pandemic.

More than 400,000 Americans died of COVID-19 under Trump's watch

By the time Trump left office in January, there were more than 400,000 reported COVID-19 deaths in the US. That's more Americans than the number of US troops killed during World War II.

The US leads the world in total coronavirus deaths, though it does not have the most COVID-19 deaths per capita.

For their new analysis, the Lancet authors compared the US's COVID-19 death rate with the average death rate of six other economically advanced nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK. They weighted those death rates by each country's population, since their sizes vary widely.

They concluded that 40% of the US's roughly 450,000 coronavirus deaths as of February 4 could have been avoided if the country had handled the pandemic similarly to its wealthy peers. That's 180,000 lives.

The report added that other countries outperformed the US in other areas of public health. The average life expectancy in the US was 3.4 years lower than in the six countries in 2018. That year, the US had 461,000 excess deaths — more deaths than expected based on historical data. That figure has been rising since 1980.

Trump 'repudiated science'
Trump publicly downplayed the threat of COVID-19 and habitually dismissed policy recommendations from top experts, including some from his White House coronavirus task force. In June, his campaign hosted a rally inside an arena in Oklahoma that could seat 19,000 people.

He "repudiated science, leaving the US unprepared and exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic," the Lancet authors wrote.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN last month that a lack of clear messaging from the federal government "likely did" cost lives last year.

"People were not trusting what health officials were saying," Fauci added.

In February 2020, Nancy Messonnier, a senior official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warned that the virus was circulating in American communities and that people should prepare for "severe" disruptions in daily life.

But around the same time, Trump said the number of COVID-19 cases would be "close to zero" within a couple of days.

Later, Trump privately told the journalist Bob Woodward that he had deliberately downplayed the threat of COVID-19 because he didn't want to cause a panic.

'It's hard to imagine how they could've done it worse'
Two of the Lancet report's authors published a similar analysis of Trump's health policies in 2018. That report said that Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy, challenges to the Affordable Care Act, and refusal to give adequate aid to Puerto Ricans following Hurricane Maria showed that the administration "favors industry and the wealthy and serves to endanger population and planetary health."

In October, the Lancet also published a commentary describing the administration's handling of the pandemic as "disastrous," urging Americans "to embrace change for the better" in the 2020 election.

Other public-health experts have highlighted the ways Trump's approach to the pandemic set a poor example for Americans and contributed to the US's huge case total.

"It's hard to imagine how they could've done it worse," Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of Brown University's School of Public Health, previously told Insider.

Fauci criticized Trump's frequent refusal to wear a mask — in a recent interview with The Atlantic, he attributed that to Trump's "macho" attitude.

"To him, a mask was a sign of weakness," Fauci told The Atlantic, adding that "the unfortunate aspect of this is that a lot of people in the country took that on as a mantra."

The Lancet report's authors said Trump's refusal to develop a consistent national pandemic strategy "worsened shortages of personal protective equipment and diagnostic tests."

Once vaccines were authorized, each state was made responsible for its own distribution. The issue boiled down to the philosophy of Trump's White House and Department of Health and Human Services staff, Jha told Insider.

"They believe deeply that it's not the role of the federal government to help states in a health crisis, that it's the job of states to figure this all out on their own," he said.
'It's hard to imagine how they could've done it worse'

is it hard to imagine doing nothing? because that's what they did..nothing- literally.


Well-Known Member
BC Canada is having a large surge of the Brazilian variant. This is a bad looking variant from what I see coming out of Brazil, huge wave that is also killing the recovered survivors of the previous waves.
We also have a much lower vaccination rate than the USA due to supply problems. I've seen various reports on the efficacy of the vaccines on variants and it appears they are partially effective against the known variants and prevent hospitalizations and deaths. You might get a milder case of covid from what I can tell, the vaccines appear to give your immune system a heads up and a head start. They have already tweaked the vaccine for emerging variants, but I don't know what kind of approval they would need for minor changes, the mRNA vaccines can respond quickly to variants, but the approval time might be the big delay.
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Well-Known Member
Covid Vaccination Showing Great Success; Variants A Concern For Unvaccinated

Rachel Maddow points out the current contrast in coronavirus numbers, as higher age groups, being the most vaccinated, are showing a major drop in per capita Covid deaths, but younger, unvaccinated groups are seeing another increase in cases with the growth of variants.


Well-Known Member
Covid Vaccination Showing Great Success; Variants A Concern For Unvaccinated

Rachel Maddow points out the current contrast in coronavirus numbers, as higher age groups, being the most vaccinated, are showing a major drop in per capita Covid deaths, but younger, unvaccinated groups are seeing another increase in cases with the growth of variants.
Joe's on a roll 58 days for the first 100M..HALF of the time quoted..Leadership of the Left LIVES!:clap:

brought up to speed by kamala this ain't your dad's cup 'o joe (moderate) he's in quite the unique position to put bad genie back in the bottle.
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Well-Known Member
'It's hard to imagine how they could've done it worse'

is it hard to imagine doing nothing? because that's what they did..nothing- literally.
Trump did worse than nothing, he impeded the supply of PPE and testing while spreading disinformation and suppressing helpful information from the CDC. His actions and examples on masks and social distancing with his super spreader rallies cost tens of thousands of lives. Trump mass murdered American citizens for political purposes, because he thought he could lie his way out of a pandemic (this, among other things, demonstrates how profoundly stupid he is).
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