Lets see those tits!

Viking tit :eyesmoke:

Most amazing tit of all. She protected me through the whole dungeon. Fighting valiantly by my side. Took an arrow thru her shield. Had her helm cleaved by an axe and her poor little horn busted in half. But she was brave and fought on. Alas, near the very end and final boss, she could not carry on further. She was too grievously wounded. I would have to slay the boss alone.

She wished me a fond farewell and much luck on my travels and promised me we would meet again. I embraced my friend and quickly plucked the last Snickers bar from her backpack. I knew she wouldn't mind. I had a boss to fight!

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There is a hiker I follow on You Tube doing the Eastern Continental Trail (Key West to Belle Isle) He's done with the Florida Trail now, but when he was on the section coming up from Apalachicola towards my neck of the woods, he passed through a lot of Titi swamps. He pronounced it tit-eye instead of tie-tie. When I told him how it was pronounced, he said he knew, but was trying to help ratings. Anyway, here is a nice pair.
