Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

There is a story here, tell

I'm being too bitchy and political with all the constant bad news, I gotta right myself.

I'm sure it's a fine Province with plenty of nice people, it's probably me.

I mean, doesn’t Calgary regularly place on the world top ten list of cities with highest quality of living?

Could be, I've only been to Edmonton and Jasper.

@Laughing Grass
What's the deal with Thompson, Manitoba; being the the most unsafe crime ridden city in Canada?

lol I've never heard of it. Only 13,000 people.

This May, the city’s RCMP detachment indeed found itself investigating a stabbing spree that left five injured. In March, a machete-wielding home invader hacked a dog to death and in June, Thompson saw two stabbings and a machete attack in three days. August then saw a 30-year-old woman stabbed in the face and chest outside a downtown business. Some of those arrested were as young as 12 and many speculate the attacks were gang initiations.

Ontarians :roll:

When I visited Vienna as a youngster, the milk came in liter bags. My grandmother had a pitcherlike plastic exoskeleton that fit them. It was a lot less packaging waste than what I’ve seen in the US.

The only time I've seen milk in a bag was watching someone change the bags in a bulk dispenser in a restaurant.

Ontarians :roll:

The only time I've seen milk in a bag was watching someone change the bags in a bulk dispenser in a restaurant.

his aboot is fake

Bagged milk is in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. That accounts for more than 2/3 of the entire population. Bagged milk was introduced because provincial dairy boards legislated that milk must be sold in metric volumes. Western provinces followed suit with volumes under a gallon. 2 liter, 1 liter, 500ml and 250ml
In elementary school I had a fantastic math teacher who made me love numbers. I still remember him telling us that an inch was based on the width of a man's finger, then later the width of three grains of rice. And the temperature scale was based on an arbitrary decision that freezing was 32 and boiling point was 212 so you could use fewer fractions. Nothing is relatable to larger or smaller units without using fractions. Made my head hurt and seemed unnecessarily complicated.

Thank god for base 10.