Is this a girl


Well-Known Member
ok i will hold out how long does it take ? i put it in flower 10 days ago i just dont want pollen anywhere and i thought i was a patient guy lol


Well-Known Member
ok i will hold out how long does it take ? i put it in flower 10 days ago i just dont want pollen anywhere and i thought i was a patient guy lol
Think about this a second. until you can clearly see its male or female its not old enough or mature enough to mate. you have a couple weeks after fully noticing to remove it. LIke a kid that aint got even hairs on is balls and hasn't jacked off yet cant have


Well-Known Member
ok i will hold out how long does it take ? i put it in flower 10 days ago i just dont want pollen anywhere and i thought i was a patient guy lol
I was serious I can help you. I have a male to compare to right this second and I always get at least a few males. Like I said before a closer pic would help and so would a top down pic from above. You have time even after it shows sex before removing it.


Well-Known Member
my first bagseed ever and or seed ever i took 4 cuttings and cloned them in case she is the bomb and i stuck her in flower with my real plants