What did you accomplish today?

Reminds me as a kid a neighbor mom use to make home made popcorn balls and they were to die for...Only at Halloween.
When I was a kid, candy apples and popcorn balls were bottom of the barrel, and suspect razor blade delivery vehicles.
Houses that gave those were quickly identified, and the warning went out on the grapevine. They weren’t egged or TPed, just given a cautious radius.
When I was a kid, candy apples and popcorn balls were bottom of the barrel, and suspect razor blade delivery vehicles.
Houses that gave those were quickly identified, and the warning went out on the grapevine. They weren’t egged or TPed, just given a cautious radius.
What did you do do about the one handing out bags of frozen vegetables and tater tots? True story. LMAO.
Checked in on the girls this morning in the flower room AND no light, breaker wasn't tripped. ??? :shock: Swapped the timer and the ballast power cord to another outlet and it fired right up. That power line hooks to the outlet behind my workbench also so I plugged the shop light into that one AND darkness. When I ran that line I used an outlet in the ceiling of the garage as a junction, so I dropped it out of the box to look at it. Neutral line was a little discolored at the post and I tightened the screw just a bit and TA DA! Glad I caught that when I did, don't think it would have started a fire, but still...
Ran the tiller in veggie garden #2. Had to tie back the roses a bit which is always fun. I always end up looking like I tried to take a steak away from a Bobcat. Arranged the vines on the raspberry also, need to tie them up now too. That garden needs a lot more compost to bring the soil back into shape, the tiller was skipping off parts of it. It doesn't get near the sun the other one does, oak tree shades it. Leftovers for dinner. Buds and suds time.
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Ran the tiller in veggie garden #2. Had to tie back the roses a bit which is always fun. I always end up looking like I tried to take a steak away from a Bobcat. Arranged the vines on the raspberry also, need to tie them up now also. That garden needs a lot more compost to bring the soil back into shape, the tiller was skipping off parts of it. It doesn't get near the sun the other one does, oak tree shades it. Leftovers for dinner. Buds and suds time.
The treaded ones can do a serious number on a steak.

Just sitting with the beer and space tomatoes. Finished cutting my grass today...also picked up downed tree limbs..noticed the peach tree came back and my roses...most trees are back except the wixach....hmm it's all good just means more wood..we'll see....Got the garden watered, new experiment is doing good... :bigjoint: