Confused by feeding chart

My first girl ever is an autoflower and I'm a bit confused while reading the feed chart. This is the beginning of week 7 from germination. The stats day FLOWERING TIME: 56 DAYS FROM GERMINATION. I guess that means she starts the flowering cycle then...or maybe she should be done by then (doubtful). I just don't know. But I have been feeding her flora grow series (all 3) on their medium feed schedule. I've still been giving her the "mid veg" nutes. I was going g to give her a week of "late veg" and then go flowering, but I think she may have hit the flowering stage already. The feed chart says they're should be like 4-5 weeks of flowering, but that makes no sense with the time this plant should take. I have pics below, but should I start her on the flowering nutes now? And when I do, should I reduce the chart to like 3-4 weeks? One week of early bloom, one mid bloom, one late bloom, and one flush? I've never gotten to the flowering stage before.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the World of Lies and Autos. Your plant is normal as far as time. Forget flushing. Seriously. Tell us about your medium and your light. You’ve got some issues.
I'm using expanded clay pebbles. Mars hydro tsw 2000w full spec led. 12/4 cycle. Currently 5.6ml/gal flora micro, 5.2 floragro 3.8 flora bloom. Using phd (6.0-6.1) tap water set out for 48 hours.
Welcome to the World of Lies and Autos. Your plant is normal as far as time. Forget flushing. Seriously. Tell us about your medium and your light. You’ve got some issues.
I should also note. She was under a 300w blurple light in a 2x2 tent until a week ago. I just built this new box


Well-Known Member
Sweet Jesus. First grow ever and you go with Hydroton and an auto. With a cheap light. In a tiny tent. This sounds like a sentence for an experienced pot grower in cannabis court.
Sweet Jesus. First grow ever and you go with Hydroton and an auto. With a cheap light. In a tiny tent. This sounds like a sentence for an experienced pot grower in cannabis court.
I've gotten the same reaction from others. But despite never having done this before (and overcoming a couple mistakes) I think she's growing pretty healthy am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
I've gotten the same reaction from others. But despite never having done this before (and overcoming a couple mistakes) I think she's growing pretty healthy am I wrong?
You’re wrong. However you’ve done remarkably well considering. Forget autos. Seriously. If you can get this far with this setup you’ll do good with a more forgiving setup.
You’re wrong. However you’ve done remarkably well considering. Forget autos. Seriously. If you can get this far with this setup you’ll do good with a more forgiving setup.
Well I had 17 seeds and after building this box (6x4x6 sealed foam board lined with mylar, 8 bucket dwc system, 6in 395cfm exhaust, 2 2000w leds) so I just germed another 8 autos. It's a much better setup now and I expect to do better with these. But autos are all I have so I might as well grow them. So tell me, what do you see? What's wrong with her? And how should I proceed?
nothing wrong with autos, just best suited to coco coir in my view
Oh I see. Yeah I had to make some decisions about how to do this before actually attempting it. Sure, I might not be getting best yields I could, or might be requiring more attention or more difficult growing conditions, but hey, we all gotta start somewhere.
I will have to check the ec. I change the water once a week. It is phd at 6.0-6.1 when I change it. I'm just following the feed chart right now. I don't check ph levels daily, but I change the water religiously every week.


Well-Known Member
I think ( unless it's the lighting ) you may have a mold/mildew problem starting up.....
........I see white spots here and there.
I think ( unless it's the lighting ) you may have a mold/mildew problem starting up.....
........I see white spots here and there.
That's the light. And possible the humidifiers. I've had to run tap water through them and there's a white residue they leave. I need to get some more 5 gal buckets to set water out. I fins that evaporating the water for a couple days reduces that white residue substantially


Well-Known Member
Water ec is 357, her water (granted she is ready for a new bucket tomorrow) is at 1295
There’s your problem however it came to be. That’s expert level. Suggest dilute until you reach 850. Wait a bit and check again. pH as well. What do the roots look like?
There’s your problem however it came to be. That’s expert level. Suggest dilute until you reach 850. Wait a bit and check again. pH as well. What do the roots look like?
She has long roots coming out of the bottom pot into a ball of roots a little more than halfway down the bucket. Is it safe to take a picture?