Back on my feet in MI

Hey guys. I had been out of the game for a little over 5 years. I finally ran out of bud, lol so I'm back at it. I just finished up two grows and they were a bit rocky, but now that I found the plants I want to run with I think these next two grows are going to go great. The strains I'm moving forward with are northern lights, larry og, and thin mints.

This third grow is almost entirely northern lights. A handful of og secret weapon kush are mixed in. 9 lights. 8 are standard hps hortilux bulbs air cooled, and 1 gavita 1k hanging vertically. Running two dosatrons that feed everyday for 6 minutes at lights on.

Please feel free to post in my thread.

I veged this current run under two Gavita 1K s. I really like these lights! When I got out of the game these were just hitting the market.IMG_20210204_144704.jpg
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Was there a noticeable yield increase under the Gavita?

I haven't flowered under the gavita yet, only vegged. In this current grow I have one gavita fixture that I'm using as side lighting, but it's not in the photo. I'll shoot a photo next week of it.

When I first lit up the gavita it looked as if it was 30% brighter then my hortilux 1k bulb. I believe it would veg faster and yield more then standard hps. Had a bigger foot print in veg too. Like 5x5. If I had the height I would have gone all double ended for sure.
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I have my larry og's veging right now under 4k hortilux and 2k gavita. I put the runts that were lagging behind under the gavitas because I figured the brighter light would help them catch up and I believe it has worked out. I'll get some photos of that grow in the next few days.
Seems like you didn't forget much at all.
Nice looking grow.
Welcome back.

Thanks... You know how when you take a break from a difficult project you gain some insight in what to do next round that you wouldn't have thought of in the moment you were working... That's how it feels. Really hoping my rooms produce now that I'm mono cropping and know what to expect of the strains I'm working with.
I was just over there tonight topping off the stock tanks and took a shot of the whole room with the vertical gavita. Very happy with how this run is going.IMG_20210406_210930.jpg
So I'm running the Northern Lights... But I'm also running an eight light room of entirely larry og.IMG_20210406_215834.jpgIMG_20210406_215844.jpgIMG_20210406_215846.jpg

I've always been one to take strains to 10 plus weeks until harvest but Larry looked like it was ready at week 9 last run so we'll see how long she goes this run.
Pretty impressive one week stretch for the Larry's! I gave them a couple feedings of phosphorus and I'm slightly regretting it... I can accommodate about one more foot of vertical growth IMG_20210412_215045.jpgIMG_20210412_215136.jpgIMG_20210412_215227.jpgIMG_20210412_215840.jpgIMG_20210412_215851.jpg
Few more weeks to go! The dosatrons really helped take most of the work out of this run.

A little bit of powdery mildew started creeping up on some fan leaves but I hit everything really well with mill stop. It originated from the OG secret weapon Kush which I'm not going to be growing anymore.IMG_20210415_204728.jpgIMG_20210415_204747.jpgIMG_20210415_204858.jpgIMG_20210415_205820.jpgIMG_20210415_205830.jpgIMG_20210415_205842.jpg
Week 10 is quickly approaching. There's a good chance I'll let it go an extra week.

I've been running Jack's 321 but I switched over to their finishing fert 5 days ago.

One of the rows was leaning into the wall so I used zip ties to pull the two rows of netting together. Took the photos before I did this though.IMG_20210422_205748.jpgIMG_20210422_205756.jpgIMG_20210422_205811.jpg