So I'm pretty sure I'm banned from Target stores for life after today's transaction


Well-Known Member
My ladies son worked at Target. Apparently many on the floor have what's called "Zone's" where they're responsible for making sure that section is organized and neat. He'd walk around his zone all day making sure all the labels were facing the correct way. Now whenever I go into a Target I'll go down an isle and spin product so the labels are facing the wrong way knock a few things over, etc.... Keeps them on their toes. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
My ladies son worked at Target. Apparently many on the floor have what's called "Zone's" where they're responsible for making sure that section is organized and neat. He'd walk around his zone all day making sure all the labels were facing the correct way. Now whenever I go into a Target I'll go down an isle and spin product so the labels are facing the wrong way knock a few things over, etc.... Keeps them on their toes. :mrgreen:
Hell yeah, gotta make em work for that money:D


Well-Known Member
No I'm prob as old as you or older. You said it before in another post. The prob is not them, its you. You have bipolar disorder and freak out on employees when they are following the rules. They did nothing wrong. You wanted them to break their own policies to make your life easier. Super funny cause I was gonna ask you the same thing considering your outburst in a public place.
Break their own policies? Are you effing kidding me? I literally did the work for them. I expedited their pick time by physically doing the work for them. I carried it to the counter and presented my invoice. I heard the communication over the radio. The counter clerk asked the pickers, "who has the dehumidifier on their device?" Nobody responded. She then asked the manager to get involved when nobody got back to her. All the manager need to do was ask the pickers who had the dehumidifier so they could scan it as picked. They literally walk around with radios just so they can communicate and resolve silly simple issues like this. She chose not to communicate with her team and fucked me off just to be a cunt. There's no rule that says you have to wait 2 hours to get your order. That's the window they have to pick and ready up the order for pickup before corporate gets up their asshole sideways because of their fucked up metrics. I did all the work for them by picking the order and presenting it at the counter with my invoice. I stand by my statement. The manager was being a fat fucking cunt piece of shit for a human being. God forbid she used her radio to actually do her fucking job, right? No worries. Home depot got the job done without issue as always.


Well-Known Member
It's called Facing.

"The act of pulling each product to the front edge of a shelf with the label turned forward."

So next time you're taking a leisurely stroll through your local Target make sure that you help keep people employed by spinning things and pushing them to the back of the shelf. That way they'll stay busy and won't have to fear being laid off because they're just standing around.


Well-Known Member
It's called Facing.

"The act of pulling each product to the front edge of a shelf with the label turned forward."

So next time you're taking a leisurely stroll through your local Target make sure that you help keep people employed by spinning things and pushing them to the back of the shelf. That way they'll stay busy and won't have to fear being laid off because they're just standing around.
I'm sure they have plenty of other stuff to do than facing product. Honestly, that sounds kind of petty of you. I can't imagine spending time like that just to make another persons job harder.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they have plenty of other stuff to do than facing product. Honestly, that sounds kind of petty of you. I can't imagine spending time like that just to make another persons job harder.

Seriously? I'm petty? Well you felt the need to go on an online forum to call some stranger petty because you didn't appreciate something they did that has absolutely no effect on you. Some would say that's petty.

And as far as pettiness goes, at least I put in some effort. I have to go to Target, physically walk down the isles and manipulate various products. That's much more work at being petty than a few keystrokes on a keyboard like you did.

My pettiness is of a higher quality than yours because I put in some effort. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I'm sure they have plenty of other stuff to do than facing product. Honestly, that sounds kind of petty of you. I can't imagine spending time like that just to make another persons job harder.
Petty you say? Petty like telling a customer to wait 2 hours to pickup an item they paid for and set on the fucking check out counter? Please. Tell me more about petty. I'm intrigued :)

"I can't imagine spending time like that just to make another persons job harder."

I was thinking this same thing as a target manager refused to scan my paid for item as picked that was sitting on the checkout counter that I physically picked myself and carried to the counter so they didn't have to. Brother, she sure made my job harder. And I still don't know why that is even though I did everything in my power to make it as easy as possible for them. What can ya do man? Call a fat bitch a fucking cunt, make a scene, and walk out that mother :)


Well-Known Member
Seriously? I'm petty? Well you felt the need to go on an online forum to call some stranger petty because you didn't appreciate something they did that has absolutely no effect on you. Some would say that's petty.

And as far as pettiness goes, at least I put in some effort. I have to go to Target, physically walk down the isles and manipulate various products. That's much more work at being petty than a few keystrokes on a keyboard like you did.

My pettiness is of a higher quality than yours because I put in some effort. :mrgreen:

Well, at least I don't feel the need to go in a store and make minimum wage employees jobs harder for no reason. I'm sure that must require quite a bit of effort from someone like you. You sure you're walking down the aisles? I imagine you in one of those raskal scooters they provide at the front, chin diaper mask, slowly wheeling down the aisle and touching every product you can reach.


Well-Known Member
Petty you say? Petty like telling a customer to wait 2 hours to pickup an item they paid for and set on the fucking check out counter? Please. Tell me more about petty. I'm intrigued :)

"I can't imagine spending time like that just to make another persons job harder."

I was thinking this same thing as a target manager refused to scan my paid for item as picked that was sitting on the checkout counter that I physically picked myself and carried to the counter so they didn't have to. Brother, she sure made my job harder. And I still don't know why that is even though I did everything in my power to make it as easy as possible for them. What can ya do man? Call a fat bitch a fucking cunt, make a scene, and walk out that mother :)
You do you man I wasn't replying to you.


Well-Known Member
Well, at least I don't feel the need to go in a store and make minimum wage employees jobs harder for no reason. I'm sure that must require quite a bit of effort from someone like you. You sure you're walking down the aisles? I imagine you in one of those raskal scooters they provide at the front, chin diaper mask, slowly wheeling down the aisle and touching every product you can reach.

Imagine anything you want.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me fuck-o? Corporate will give the stores more hours to fix the mess. Those employees will literally get more hours just to clean it up. You've obviously never managed in retail before :) @xtsho helps put food on the table for those lowly employees and he made me laugh with his petty actions. So far all you've done is annoy the piss out of me. Is your pettiness good for anything? Just asking :)
Ya I guess my pettiness is good at annoying the piss out of you. Lol I just think 15 min of rearranging shelves is more a nuisance and the extra $2 won't be putting much food on the table imho