So I'm pretty sure I'm banned from Target stores for life after today's transaction

Last time I ordered something online for pickup at Target, when I went to pick it up, I remembered that there was something else I needed and had forgotten to order. I went to pick the extra item off the shelf before going to the pick up counter, so they could ring me up there at the same time. Well when I got to the front of the CS line, they gave me my pickup item no problem, but told me that I had to stand in line again to purchase the extra item, because other people were waiting for pickup behind me. WTF!?
Another awesome customer service experience at target! Woohoo! Listen though buddy, the rules are the rules because they're the rules. Don't you fucking understand? :)
There you go on a sex crazed rant again.

Sorry you're not getting any and are desperate, but jeez. Have some self respect, for crying out loud.
Home Depot's inventory is a mess though. Many times they say they have items in stock, which they really do not. Other times, they say they have items out of stock, which are sitting on the shelf. Recently I needed a very specific sort of screw (not the reach-around type that Taco-boy wants), but online said that the two closest stores were out of stock, and I had to drive 30 miles to get them. I took a chance and went to the local store, and found 5-boxes of the screws sitting on the shelf, so I bought 4.
I use to manage an auto parts store. They conducted inventory once every 18 months. 1 store was $56,000 off in inventory. They only recovered something like $36k of it. Almost $20k of inventory just walked away from the store in 18 months. And we were on auto replenish. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time. You don't realize how fast people are stealing shit sometimes :)
I use to manage an auto parts store. They conducted inventory once every 18 months. 1 store was $56,000 off in inventory. They only recovered something like $36k of it. Almost $20k of inventory just walked away from the store in 18 months. And we were on auto replenish. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time. You don't realize how fast people are stealing shit sometimes :)
People steal shit in broad daylight right under the noses of the service reps when they use self-checkout, and conveniently forget to scan a couple of items.
This is what happens when a young republican male is mad at the system. He goes online and baits people to argue with him because when in person he fails miserably. The "fat cunt" got into his head and made him act a fool now he's kinda embarrassed.....and MAAAAAAD!!!
There you go on a sex crazed rant again.

Sorry you're not getting any and are desperate, but jeez. Have some self respect, for crying out loud.
You're just playing hard to get now, aren't you? Is it disrespectful to be homosexual? What kind of biggotted fucking asshole are you? I'm starting to think you may be a closet republican :)
People steal shit in broad daylight right under the noses of the service reps when they use self-checkout, and conveniently forget to scan a couple of items.
I had a guy stuff a 4' LED light bar in his sweat pants and walk out. I wasn't even mad. I was just like dam. There goes a dude that truly does not give a fuck. It's like seeing a unicorn ya know? You just watch and entertain yourself. Now if he had called me a fucking cunt on the way out it would have completely changed the dynamic of the situation :)
You're just playing hard to get now, aren't you?

Let's review:

You keep throwing sugar at me like that and I'm gonna have to give you a nice reach around. Only because you're special. I don't do that for just anyone :)
soulless cunt fucking chubby chaser billy getting a toothy blowjob from her fucking whore cunt fuck my sister fucking inbred fuck Sugar :)
Just pointing out that you're completely obsessed with sex in nearly every post you make.
Let's review:

Just pointing out that you're completely obsessed with sex in nearly every post you make.
What does my obsession with sex have anything to do with being a racist Republican? Something tells me you own more than 1 flesh light. Just saying buddy. I personally prefer to fuck my wife with my sex obsession. She's got huge tits. I really like to get 'em going where they start swinging in a nice rythm with the sequential pounding. It's like watching a fleshy ocean tide with nipples :)

What can I say? I'm easily amused. Look at 'em go man. Just look at 'em go! And there goes the money shot. What's for lunch? :)
What does my obsession with sex have anything to do with being a racist Republican? Something tells me you own more than 1 flesh light. Just saying buddy. I personally prefer to fuck my wife with my sex obsession. She's got huge tits. I really like to get 'em going where they start swinging in a nice rythm with the sequential pounding. It's like watching a fleshy ocean tide with nipples :)

What can I say? I'm easily amused. Look at 'em go man. Just look at 'em go! And there goes the money shot. What's for lunch? :)
If they aren't rotating in opposite concentric directions, you aren't doing something quite right.