Stock solutions should be made very accurately to ensure repeatable results. Weigh 1000g of RO, pour it into a clear container and mark the level. Tip it out, add 100g of jacks to the container and add RO up to your 1L mark. Wait for the chems to dissolve completely and then top back up to your 1L mark. 10ml of this stock solution will contain 1g of jacks. Do the same for the calcinit but add 67g. 10ml of the stock will contain 0.67g of calcinit. For 1 gallon stocks you would add 378.5g of jacks and 253.6g of calcinit. 10ml of each stock will give the same 1g and 0.67g. 70 gallons is about 265L so if you needed to add 1g/L of jacks and .67g/L of calcinit you`d add 2.65L of each stock to the res. Note, the res should be at least 5.3L short of full to account for the stock volume or your ppm calculations will be adrift. If you mark the 70 gal level on the res you can top it up to the mark after adding the stocks. You`ll need 10.6L (2.8 gal) of each stock solution to dose 4x 70 gal reservoirs at the 1g/L, 0.67g/L rate. Depending on the solubility of jacks you could use 1:200 stocks. To figure the ppm you`d add 10ml of the jacks stock to a container and topup to the 1L mark with RO. The resulting ppm will be for 1g/L of jacks .From that result you can calculate the amount you need to add for any ppm. For example, if the result came in a 100ppm you know that 1ml/L will add 10ppm, 0.5ml/L will add 5ppm. Do the same for the calcinit.