when you can grow like this come see me


New Member
They are mine and dont care if you belive it or not.im 40 years old and been growing for 15.Dont come on my thread and insult me


Well-Known Member
does he really have to admt theyre not his??

what kind of person who is smart enough to grow that dope would put his personal trademark on his weed pics. why not email them to the county jail...



stays relevant.
Wow... umm, if I find the time- I will seek out the photos. Nobody is coming to your thread and insulting you. Calm down there stranger.


Well-Known Member
Your the one who started posting fake pics, claiming them as your own, then claim to basically defy the laws of physics, Apparently theres a warp in the space/time continuum in "your" grow room that allows you to make 1 x 400w light do as much as 8 x 1000w lights.


Well-Known Member
Dude, in your pics, theres more than 8 of those huge plants hanging there.....thats not 1 plant vegged for 4 months.

And the fact that one pic was already fake..


Well-Known Member
They are mine and dont care if you belive it or not.im 40 years old and been growing for 15.Dont come on my thread and insult me

You just can't do that on here man, people know there shit and a lot of them are extremely smart and can do the math. You shouldn't have tried to lie. Fuck man we look at littly bitty plants and give advice and encouragement but when you try to pull one over you have lost all credibility even if you grow like a god we won't believe you now:neutral:


New Member
the middle one is indoors the others is in october and are from growing outside.the one is a winter project.


Well-Known Member
I would believe him if he wasn't making impossible claims, and Im sure now it will just seem like everything is an excuse... I guess thats what you get for making up some BS to get some attention.


stays relevant.
You just can't do that on here man, people know there shit and a lot of them are extremely smart and can do the math. You shouldn't have tried to lie. Fuck man we look at littly bitty plants and give advice and encouragement but when you try to pull one over you have lost all credibility even if you grow like a god we won't believe you now:neutral:
It's true. Well said.