Anybody else notice / have concerns about the extreme level of violence lately?


Well-Known Member
It seems like the incidents of violence in the news nationally are becoming more and more frequent. Random shootings on the highway are happening all the time now. A 4 year old little girl was murdered by a drive by shooter in chicago while sitting in a mcdonald's drive through placing an order. Watching the Chauvin trial is absolutely reminiscent of the rodney king trial in the early 90's. Anyone remember how that verdict unfolded? California does. I fear if the jury does not delivery a guilty verdict things are going to escalate very quickly. Rep. Maxine Waters on Saturday night called for protesters to "stay on the street" and "get more confrontational" if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the killing of George Floyd. I saw that and my mouth almost hit the fucking floor. Just wow man. This country does not need a repeat of the rodney king riots that cost 100+ lives over the course of 2 weeks as LA burned after a bunch of moron jurors delivered the wrong verdict. I am very concerned about how things are going to unfold. DC just received approval from the Army to mobilize the national guard ahead of the verdict. Anything less than a guilty verdict and shit is gonna hit the fan. Hard. I'll be staying the fuck as far away from the streets and public road ways as I can. Reginald Denny anyone?

And I thought legalizing pot would make people more peaceful. Apparently I was dead wrong :)
Ya you're dead wrong. Everyone seen the videos. Noone deserves an instant death penalty over a fake 20 or their past crimes. If he gets off it shows zero justice and people will take to the streets. And the next one.. people are getting wrecked by the police over stupid shit. Fuck just complying when you're afraid because cops demonstrate how bad they really are on a daily basis.

If you think those people got no right to be mad you're wrong. Do I think its wrong that a representative is pushing people to protest.. nope, she's pushing protest.. not telling them to raid the capital trying to lynch congress members.

Go to politics to get shit on more
Ya you're dead wrong. Everyone seen the videos. Noone deserves an instant death penalty over a fake 20 or their past crimes. If he gets off it shows zero justice and people will take to the streets. And the next one.. people are getting wrecked by the police over stupid shit. Fuck just complying when you're afraid because cops demonstrate how bad they really are on a daily basis.

If you think those people got no right to be mad you're wrong. Do I think its wrong that a representative is pushing people to protest.. nope, she's pushing protest.. not telling them to raid the capital trying to lynch congress members.

Go to politics to get shit on more
I think you have severe reading comprehension issues. Chauvin deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life for murdering a man who was crying out for his mother as he was being choked to death by a police officer paid for on the taxpayer's dime. I was not arguing for him to get off. Maxine Waters is an idiot no better than Donald Trump. Telling people to get aggressive is not telling people to stand up for their rights. Aggression precipitates violence. Speaking of aggression you seem pretty hostile yourself? You're kinda proving my point here. Lots of hatred and anger in this country. You seem to be a fine representation of that. Maybe you, Donald, and Maxine can all go bowling together?
You're talking about a representative lol. Whats not political about that you fucking dunce?
Is it hard to get through day to day life with your stupidity?
Everyday life is politics now? How is the observation of rising violence political? It sounds like you desperately want this thread to be political. I'm sorry, that's not the purpose nor the intent. Maybe you should stop watching Fox News? It could be poisoning your mind. You don't seem to be making a great deal of sense.
It seems like the incidents of violence in the news nationally are becoming more and more frequent.
Going into target and calling minimum wage workers CUN+$ because they have to follow their works rules seems less than peaceful.
You're kinda proving my point here. Lots of hatred and anger in this country.
Look in the mirror
I'm not talking about politics you inbred fuck tard.
You seem to jump right to anger and swearing eh?
Going into target and calling minimum wage workers CUN+$ because they have to follow their works rules seems less than peaceful.

Look in the mirror

You seem to jump right to anger and swearing eh?
Target managers make over $20 per hour. And she was being a stupid cunt. However, I denounce violence :)
Think his mom prolly dropped him on his head......

or the second possiblity......

the trailer park is getting full and this keyboard cowboy need to put his wheels on to move....

kinda of a toss up right now
Think his mom prolly dropped him on his head......

or the second possiblity......

the trailer park is getting full and this keyboard cowboy need to put his wheels on to move....

kinda of a toss up right now
Trailers been there for generations of that wildly twisted up family tree. She's not rolling anywhere unless it gets lifted out. Plus that's the family estate