Anybody else notice / have concerns about the extreme level of violence lately?

I'd argue with something in that statement if I could. 100% on point. Obama gave poor people healthcare and they painted him the antichrist. Obama saved GM and Chrysler from evisceration. They called him a socialist. Obama authorized the operation that finally killed the perpetrator responsible for the 9/11 attacks. They still called him a Muslim that couldn't be trusted with a secret agenda. And the racists ate it up hook, line, and sinker. I remember the Obama years quite vividly. People were happier. There were far fewer incidents of hate crimes, and life was generally good. It all ended with Trump. We went backwards as a country. It was very sad to witness.
America didn't go backwards, but is now driving hard through a road block to a better future. It gets harder before it gets better, but the nice competent old white man in the white house can give cover to polices that Obama could only dream about. Joe is white as snow and many people operate on feelings and nothing more, his target are former republicans who are now independents, the largest group at 41% of the electorate. So far old Joe seems pretty good at the high wire act and just announced they are gonna be super aggressive with their agenda, in for a penny, in for a pound.
One very astute college educated fella said a line that still sticks with me today, "There's no profit in all of us working together and getting along. Division creates profitability. Division makes money." Fucked me up because he hit the bullseye.
It is the formula Rupert Murdoch used in the UK and in America with Foxnews. The dog whistle pays nicely, just ask the republicans who blow it.
The democrats are trying to address it, wealth inequality is growing as a result of technology and the economic system concentrating wealth automatically, as well as by corrupt politicians and thousands of lobbyists. The republicans work for the rich and con the racist base with culture wars and dog whistles, that are getting more shrill as their desperation increases. Trump and Mitch's tax breaks for the super rich said it all. Half the people in the country subsist on less than 2% of the national wealth. Economies are ecosystems and the little fish need to live too, healthcare, social security, education and infrastructure are ways to redistribute that wealth. The problem is the brown folks might git some and they would rather fuck themselves and scream "socialism" than come to their fucking senses.
Key Facts. According to the latest Fed data, the top 1% of Americans have a combined net worth of $34.2 trillion (or 30.4% of all household wealth in the U.S.), while the bottom 50% of the population holds just $2.1 trillion combined (or 1.9% of all wealth).Oct. 8, 2020
Top 1% Of U.S. Households Hold 15 Times More Wealth Than ... › sites › tommybeer › 2020/10/08

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Just being a butt, but I can't help but notice that in that chart where the wealth gap shows the greatest disparity are years the dems were in power.

While I absolutely vote dem and lean way over that way, I do think it is a mistake to think they care much about the poor.
I always thought a good solution to poverty was for the Government to build and operate free career training / education facilities for trades like carpentry, welding, electrician, HVAC, and plumbing in poor communities that desperately need educational assistance for young adults. Nobody wants to be poor. Nobody wants to have no way to make a living. If these hopeless communities out there across America had hope again we could solve a large chunk of the growing poverty problem in a single generation by way of education. I think it's a matter of national security and should be part of the annual defense budget. I've seen communities where there are no jobs for young men due to high crime. They were born there. They will grow up there. And the poverty keeps them in a cage so to speak. There is almost no way out. It shouldn't be that way in the wealthiest nation on the planet.
Just being a butt, but I can't help but notice that in that chart where the wealth gap shows the greatest disparity are years the dems were in power.

While I absolutely vote dem and lean way over that way, I do think it is a mistake to think they care much about the poor.
I think a lot of what you are noticing is the recessions that get dumped onto the Democrats plates but the Republicans shit economic policies.

I think a lot of what you are noticing is the recessions that get dumped onto the Democrats plates but the Republicans shit economic policies.


That's true, one of the dem talking points for a long time is that they are great for the stock market. Said I was being a butt. Its just that the already wealthy own stocks so are in a position to benefit when the markets rise and the poor tend to get shaken out on declines and are late getting back in.

Outside of trumps trade wars, I generally don't place stock market performance at the feet of the president.
Just being a butt, but I can't help but notice that in that chart where the wealth gap shows the greatest disparity are years the dems were in power.

While I absolutely vote dem and lean way over that way, I do think it is a mistake to think they care much about the poor.
If you remember those were the days when racist elements permeated both political parties and the Clintons were going after corporate cash, there was little difference between the parties on economic policy. Since then the democrats have purged the racists and the republicans anybody with common sense, morals or patriotism. It's a whole new ballgame with new players.
I just posted a thread on the end or Reaganism and right wing thinking in the west.
You know, after your kind tried to overthrow our government and assassinate Trump's politcal enemies. When your kind ended hundreds of years of peaceful transfer of power between political opponents. Your naive belief in your own righteousness became an object of derision and a tell that you are a loser.

I have zero interest in discussing your fake beliefs. We'll see your kind -- the ones who sacked and pissed and shit all over the Capitol Building when they weren't trying to assassinate Democrats and Pence -- in jail soon and Trump ruined for tax fraud.
My kind? Lol. Were all human. I mean let's have a 360 degree view of everything not just why your right or vice versa. The capital building...literally footage of antifa dressing up in Trump support gear and making their own narrative? Do I believe Trump side is innocent? Fuck No. You can't honestly say you don't think democrats weren't behind half the crap. My whole point with everything here is im neither one side or the other. Im looking at what makes sense and am not trying to pick a side, I dont trust anything the government says. I dont feel anyone is wrong here and I certainly see the points on all sides ...thats what a debate is. You want to label it "my kind vs your kind" and that just fits the narrative for continuous division in this country, and shows how one sided your view is. Again, a 360 view and trying to understand what people are saying and why might really help you. Stop shutting everyone with a view down. Respect it and don't draw a line. The one thing I DO see is a bunch of passionate patriots all for the stars and stripes...our views are different. Thats ok, thats what this country was built on. Different religions, beliefs, creeds etc...but were all red blooded Americans and that
My kind? Lol. Were all human. I mean let's have a 360 degree view of everything not just why your right or vice versa. The capital building...literally footage of antifa dressing up in Trump support gear and making their own narrative? Do I believe Trump side is innocent? Fuck No. You can't honestly say you don't think democrats weren't behind half the crap. My whole point with everything here is im neither one side or the other. Im looking at what makes sense and am not trying to pick a side, I dont trust anything the government says. I dont feel anyone is wrong here and I certainly see the points on all sides ...thats what a debate is. You want to label it "my kind vs your kind" and that just fits the narrative for continuous division in this country, and shows how one sided your view is. Again, a 360 view and trying to understand what people are saying and why might really help you. Stop shutting everyone with a view down. Respect it and don't draw a line. The one thing I DO see is a bunch of passionate patriots all for the stars and stripes...our views are different. Thats ok, thats what this country was built on. Different religions, beliefs, creeds etc...but were all red blooded Americans and that
Antifa? really/
Its like everyone on the right bought lifetime subscription to the National Enquirer
I worked a sales counter and ran into people from all walks of life. Poor. Very wealthy business owners. You name it and it eventually landed on my counter at one point in the day or another. It was interesting because of the diverse types of interactions. One very astute college educated fella said a line that still sticks with me today, "There's no profit in all of us working together and getting along. Division creates profitability. Division makes money." Fucked me up because he hit the bullseye. When we work together and combine our resources our power grows. Division ensures we never work together. We never combine resources, and the rich stay rich.
You said that so beautifully. I've been trying to say it this same way but I lack the finese needed to come across how you just did. I could not possibly agree more my man
Violence is a result of entitled millenials throwing temper tantrums when they find out they don't get everything for free and life requires effort. It will end when we kill them and replace them with robots
Violence is a result of entitled millenials throwing temper tantrums when they find out they don't get everything for free and life requires effort. It will end when we kill them and replace them with robots

Entitlement certainly is one slice of the pie, but it's definitely not exclusive to millennials and there are still twenty other slices to answer for.
My kind? Lol. Were all human. I mean let's have a 360 degree view of everything not just why your right or vice versa. The capital building...literally footage of antifa dressing up in Trump support gear and making their own narrative? Do I believe Trump side is innocent? Fuck No. You can't honestly say you don't think democrats weren't behind half the crap. My whole point with everything here is im neither one side or the other. Im looking at what makes sense and am not trying to pick a side, I dont trust anything the government says. I dont feel anyone is wrong here and I certainly see the points on all sides ...thats what a debate is. You want to label it "my kind vs your kind" and that just fits the narrative for continuous division in this country, and shows how one sided your view is. Again, a 360 view and trying to understand what people are saying and why might really help you. Stop shutting everyone with a view down. Respect it and don't draw a line. The one thing I DO see is a bunch of passionate patriots all for the stars and stripes...our views are different. Thats ok, thats what this country was built on. Different religions, beliefs, creeds etc...but were all red blooded Americans and that
There is a lot in this so I will reread, but a couple things jump out that are so fucking stupid that I can't stop to take the time to respond more thoughtfully.

The capital building...literally footage of antifa dressing up in Trump support gear and making their own narrative?

Wow, did they have 'ANTIFA' tattoos or something? Or are you pretending like the Proudboys are somehow 'ANTIFA'?

You do know that Antifa is bullshit propaganda being sold to people as a thing and not just a handful of kids in Portland right?

Violence is a result of entitled millenials throwing temper tantrums when they find out they don't get everything for free and life requires effort. It will end when we kill them and replace them with robots

Nah, I would say that entitlement is more a issue with all the old white guys who realized that they were lied to by their elder males that told them they were special and going to take everything over. It was one of those lies like 'when you are older you will understand' and 'a woman's place is in the kitchen'. All lies to make their kids shut up about how they treated their moms.

You can't honestly say you don't think democrats weren't behind half the crap

Do you actually believe this big lie? If so I will take it easy on you and try like hell to not treat you like the trolls that are paid to spread this nonsense.

My kind? Lol. Were all human. I mean let's have a 360 degree view of everything not just why your right or vice versa. The capital building...literally footage of antifa dressing up in Trump support gear and making their own narrative? Do I believe Trump side is innocent? Fuck No. You can't honestly say you don't think democrats weren't behind half the crap. My whole point with everything here is im neither one side or the other. Im looking at what makes sense and am not trying to pick a side, I dont trust anything the government says. I dont feel anyone is wrong here and I certainly see the points on all sides ...thats what a debate is. You want to label it "my kind vs your kind" and that just fits the narrative for continuous division in this country, and shows how one sided your view is. Again, a 360 view and trying to understand what people are saying and why might really help you. Stop shutting everyone with a view down. Respect it and don't draw a line. The one thing I DO see is a bunch of passionate patriots all for the stars and stripes...our views are different. Thats ok, thats what this country was built on. Different religions, beliefs, creeds etc...but were all red blooded Americans and that
Read the rest and I disagree with it, but could see how it could look like that to you if you actually believe the stuff that gets spread.

I would defiantly question anything you get your information from though.
If you remember those were the days when racist elements permeated both political parties and the Clintons were going after corporate cash, there was little difference between the parties on economic policy. Since then the democrats have purged the racists and the republicans anybody with common sense, morals or patriotism. It's a whole new ballgame with new players.
I just posted a thread on the end or Reaganism and right wing thinking in the west.

I do think Republicans use racism, but really for me economics is key. In that sense probably 90% of politicians can be lumped together as far as I am concerned. For me, income inequality has to be dealt with otherwise you will never be able to address issues of race, I don't think it's a new ballgame, just a new sales tactic to distract the population. The powers that be can continue to push whatever narrative they want, but ultimately it's a buncha bs to keep people from realizing that poor black and poor white people have the same issues and the reason their shit is fucked up is the rich hoarding all the resources.

Racism, xenophobia, etc has a much better chance to take hold when people are hurting and scared. You need to remove that economic worry, otherwise it creates a very fertile ground for someone to come along, point at some group, and tell everyone else that group is the cause of the issue.
Its like a marriage man. If it fails it both sides fault. I respect your opinion, and I'm telling you what I see. The news, and the conspiracy theorist videos trying to nay say... look at it all and decide. Thats what I'm saying. Do I believe it? Why not? Its not that far out of reach honestly. Thats just being realistic. But to say the videos that defend Trump and show "the truth" are also a tactic of the right side. So I stick witb the American people and say dare to question everything. Thats all brother. Im not attacking you bud. Im just looking at the whole pot of shit soup not just a spoon full. Feel me?
Its like a marriage man. If it fails it both sides fault. I respect your opinion, and I'm telling you what I see. The news, and the conspiracy theorist videos trying to nay say... look at it all and decide. Thats what I'm saying. Do I believe it? Why not? Its not that far out of reach honestly. Thats just being realistic. But to say the videos that defend Trump and show "the truth" are also a tactic of the right side. So I stick witb the American people and say dare to question everything. Thats all brother. Im not attacking you bud. Im just looking at the whole pot of shit soup not just a spoon full. Feel me?
I dont have the velvet tongue to say this the way it is in my head so just work with me please. I have a point I don't know if I'm conveying it correctly. The right side probably pays conspiracy theorist for videos like the left pays people to riot...(accusations not what I feel) however I say it makes sense that fire is fighting fire...with fire. If I said that right lol
My kind? Lol. Were all human. I mean let's have a 360 degree view of everything not just why your right or vice versa. The capital building...literally footage of antifa dressing up in Trump support gear and making their own narrative? Do I believe Trump side is innocent? Fuck No. You can't honestly say you don't think democrats weren't behind half the crap. My whole point with everything here is im neither one side or the other. Im looking at what makes sense and am not trying to pick a side, I dont trust anything the government says. I dont feel anyone is wrong here and I certainly see the points on all sides ...thats what a debate is. You want to label it "my kind vs your kind" and that just fits the narrative for continuous division in this country, and shows how one sided your view is. Again, a 360 view and trying to understand what people are saying and why might really help you. Stop shutting everyone with a view down. Respect it and don't draw a line. The one thing I DO see is a bunch of passionate patriots all for the stars and stripes...our views are different. Thats ok, thats what this country was built on. Different religions, beliefs, creeds etc...but were all red blooded Americans and that

Triggered much?

Anyway, your post belongs in the past. We saw your kind for what they are on Jan 6. Too funny that after failing to overturn the election (that Trump lost) and assassinate Trump's political enemies, you cowards would lie to avoid the consequences.

Bunch of white men with pussies.
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