Anybody else notice / have concerns about the extreme level of violence lately?

"I'll be right, eventually. I will be right, eventually. You know I said, it's going to disappear, I'll say it again, it's going to disappear and I'll be right."
Well, he's right. After all, eventually, we'll run out of humans.
I hit up the both sides argument sometimes. I like to think I'm pretty clear in my views though and it's important to be critical of one's own party...or you wind up going with demon sperm arguments instead of actual justifiable criticism.

During the W Bush years there was a whole bunch of criticism of the patriot act. I agreed it was trash and didn't support it. Obama renewed it, in some instances going further. It's reasonable to say both sides suck shit on domestic spying. It's reasonable to criticize that decision.

But welp, tan suit and Dijon mustard were the arguments made so it is also absolutely true that the two sides aren't equal and one has become utterly retarded.
lol at how much the times have not changed. The GOP was entirely apoplectic about Obama in a tan suit. Now they are outraged over the lack of drama in Biden's administration. Sandwiched in between those two was some guy who tried to overturn an election and encouraged racists to beat on the bogey man dujour. They don't want to talk about him. Except in a mythical sense.

The "both sides" statement is used to justify some bad action, not a real argument. One that will be a classic some day is when Trumptards try to justify the sacking of the Capitol Building by recalling some buildings being burnt down during a BLM protest.

It's false logic. One action does not justify the other. Both should be treated as crimes. If caught, the perps should be tried and if convicted, sentenced according to the severity of their crimes.
And he lies without any reason to, like this one:

"the head of the Boy Scouts called me to say my speech was the greatest speech that was ever made to them"

This too,
"I was honored in Michigan long before I thought about- I was honored as the Man of the Year in Michigan at a big event."
No such award exists, though he repeated it for years.
Ill try this. Let's say you are here as a middle of the road American and say something like 'Both sides'.

I log into my right wing jesus troll account and back you up saying how something like Democrats are trying to divide us on race to be able to steal an election using minorities somehow. And I link to something like 'The Nation' to sell some lie about how Russian military attacking our country is really not a big deal, and that the Democrats are way worse.

Then I log into my 'left-troll' account and attack you for being a right wing fucktard who blows ProudBoys and is a traitor racist who is in bed with 'the elite'. And I post a link to 'the Hill' that shows something misleading that you see is a lie, coming from the 'left', even though it is funded by Russian backers to spread the cherry picked narrative for the 'left' who will never vote for a racist like Trump. But who might be able to be convinced to not vote if they can be tricked that Biden's kid is whatever propaganda they designed.

Now, to you a totally real person, you would see this as 'both sides' are being dicks right?

But in reality it is one person who is being paid by the right wing propaganda machine. And in reality sock puppets are endless so it is not just a couple accounts and one actual person, it is unlimited accounts and however many that the people of Russia's money is paying for due to Putin using it any way he wants.

This is why 'both sides' is bullshit.
Great point
I hit up the both sides argument sometimes. I like to think I'm pretty clear in my views though and it's important to be critical of one's own party...or you wind up going with demon sperm arguments instead of actual justifiable criticism.

During the W Bush years there was a whole bunch of criticism of the patriot act. I agreed it was trash and didn't support it. Obama renewed it, in some instances going further. It's reasonable to say both sides suck shit on domestic spying. It's reasonable to criticize that decision.

But welp, tan suit and Dijon mustard were the arguments made so it is also absolutely true that the two sides aren't equal and one has become utterly retarded.
To be fair the government wouldn't have to do so much domestic spying if we didn't have so many domestic nut jobs. Just saying :)
Honestly she made whatever I asked for. I

Of course it was brother. I needed my ham fix after porking her. Lol (I hope you understand this is all in humor)
This is the point in the conversation I have to get serious. I hope you used protection. Mom's kinda been around if you know what I mean, and she's always scratching at her crotch. It's a real problem. We can't even take her out to eat in public anymore. It's easier that way. Have you noticed any itchy discharge? Mom strikes again :)
And he lies without any reason to, like this one:

"the head of the Boy Scouts called me to say my speech was the greatest speech that was ever made to them"

"my father...was German and born in a very wonderful place in Germany." Fred Trump was born in Bronx, New York, yet Individual 1 still tells this worthless lie. Why? It's just who he is, a liar and con man.
"my father...was German and born in a very wonderful place in Germany." Fred Trump was born in Bronx, New York, yet Individual 1 still tells this worthless lie. Why? It's just who he is, a liar and con man.
he chose the location for the rnc too