Third Grow: Skywalker, OG, and Powerskunk


Well-Known Member

All is doing well with the girls and the hydrogen peroxide ended up working great, no more smell at all. Here are the stats for this morning:

24 Clone Setup:
10 gallonsof water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 10 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 8.1, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)
PPM- 378
Temperature - Air 78.4 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH- 58-60%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
10 gallonsof water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 4 Hours OFF)
PH- was at 8.0, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)
- 358
Temperature - Air 78.4 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH- 58-60%


Well-Known Member

All is doing well, root growth has really taken off, everything seems right on schedule.

Stats for this morning:

24 Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 10 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 8.1, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)
PPM- 364
Temperature - Air 77.4 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH- 54-56%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 4 Hours OFF)
PH- was at 7.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 2.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 2)
- 353
Temperature - Air 77.4 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH- 54-56%


Well-Known Member

Hey guys, sorry I dropped off the map for a few days, I had to deal with some unexpected stuff going on, but now all is well! On a lighter note, the plants look great I just changed the water today, even though I had planned to on thursday I just didn't have time. I brought the ppms in each container up quite a bit, now that all the plants have a good root system I can start to kick it up a little bit.

Here the stats I took earlier today after I changed the water:

24 Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 10 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 7.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 3.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 3)
PPM- 493
Temperature - Air 75.5 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH- 60%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 40 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 7.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 3.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 3)
- 468
Temperature - Air 75.5 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH- 60%


K I will try and post tomorrow and get back on schedule, ttyl.


Well-Known Member

At this point I will probably make an entry every few days, mostly because I feel like showing them every few days instead of every day gives you a better chance to view the growth. Hopefully this will make the pictures (and journal) more enjoyable to look at since they will show more noticable difference between them. For the most part I am going to keep things on a smooth schedule and therefor don't have to make as many log entries. Although, if I change anything or anything happens then I will make a entry to keep you guys updated.

Stats for today:

24 Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 5 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 7.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 3.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 3)
PPM- 473
Temperature - Air 73.9 degrees F, water 72 degrees
RH- 57%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
10 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 40 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 7.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 3.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 3)
- 438
Temperature - Air 73.9 degrees F, water 72 degrees
RH- 57%


Mother plant's roots



Well-Known Member
As you can see, a LOT of the pictures I had in the journal somehow got deleted, and there is no way to go back and edit the posts now so I'm going to make a new grow journal. It's going to be the same journal but with all the pictures, I will post a link to it here when it's done. As of now though after I post the link, this thread will be dead.


Well-Known Member
Ok nevermind I ended up fixing the problem and uploaded all the pictures again, everything should be fixed so I will just continue with this thread. I will make an update tomorrow.


Well-Known Member

Hey guys, everything is going good, I put the 24 clones under the my 400 watt MH today along with my portable air conditioner. The mother plants are going to stay under the flourescents for now, but once the 24 clones go into the flowering system then I will put the moms under the MH light. I also gave the mother plants and clones 15 gallons this time because their root growth has gone through the roof and they drink a lot of water.

Stats for today after I changed the water:

24 Clone Setup:
15 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 5 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 7.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 6.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 4)
PPM- 684
Temperature - Air 76.1 degrees F, water 72 degrees
RH- 48%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
15 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 5 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 7.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 6.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 3)
- 678
Temperature - Air 75.3 degrees F, water 73 degrees
RH- 52%




Active Member
Hi, Just poping by to say hi :mrgreen:

Your ladies are looking great, cant wait till next update


Well-Known Member
Hello, hows it going PSKY, thanks for the post. Everything is going well, the plants are really taking off now. The other day the top leaves of the clones looked a little pale though so I went and added some Cal Mag plus to the rez(5ml per gallon) and things are a little looking better now, it should help for stabilizing overall growth too.

Stats for today:

24 Clone Setup:
15 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 5 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 8.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 6.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 4), 5ml per gallon of Botanicare Cal-Mag plus(every week)
PPM- 864
Temperature - Air 80.0 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH- 46%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
15 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 5 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 8.1, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 6.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 3)
- 674
Temperature - Air 78.3 degrees F, water 74 degrees
RH- 49%


Alright guys, until next time, ttyl.


stays relevant.
Things are looking very nice in here... Skywalker, and OG... Good stuff going on in this thread...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I figured since the plants are growing so fast now that I will try and make a post every 2 days instead of every 3 or 4. Right now everything is going really well, growth rates have really taken off and the mom's and the clones grow a noticable amount every day. This week I will make another post in two days, and then a post on saturday when I change the water. I was orignally going to just change the day I change the water from thursday to monday once I start the veg cycle, but instead I decided to gradually move the change water day forward a day each consecutive week. At the first week of the month the change water day was thursday, last week I moved it to friday, this week I will move it to saturday, next week I will move it to sunday, and then when I start flowering the following week it will be a monday when I change the water. From then on i will just change the water on monday.

On a side note: I started three Ak-47 seeds two days ago by germinating them in layered, damp, paper towel on a plate with a flipped over bowl over it to hold the moisture in. I then put it on top of my cable box that stays between 74-85 degrees F and it supplied nice subtle heat to help them pop quicker. If you are going to use heat to help germinate then you should use anything more than 85 degrees, anything more than that can shut down growth and potentially kill the seed. Today when I checked on them they had all popped roots about half an inch long so I put them into damp rockwool cubes and put them on a plate with the moms. After they show considerable root growth I will probably throw them into soil but I'm not sure yet.

Stats for the day:

24 Clone Setup:
15 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 5 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 8.3, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 6.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 4), 5ml per gallon of Botanicare Cal-Mag plus(every week)
PPM- 953
Temperature - Air 71.6 degrees F, water 73 degrees
RH- 50%

6 Mother Clone Setup:
15 gallons of water/25 gallon rez (pump timer is set to 1 minute ON and 5 minutes OFF)
PH- was at 8.1, brought it down to 5.8
Nutrients - 1.1ml per gallon of H&G's Roots Excelurator (for the first 5 weeks), 6.5ml per gallon of H&G's Aqua Flakes A&B (for week 3)
- 783
Temperature - Air 77.5 degrees F, water 75 degrees
RH- 52%


K I'll post again on thursday like I said, ttyl guys.


stays relevant.
Love it... I'll be updating my grow shortly as well... The SFV OG has bushed out pretty good and will be the next plant I clone from... Also have a couple new Sour D clones :)

How often and how long do you spray those roots for?


Well-Known Member
Love it... I'll be updating my grow shortly as well... The SFV OG has bushed out pretty good and will be the next plant I clone from... Also have a couple new Sour D clones :)

How often and how long do you spray those roots for?

Sounds awesome man, I actually just got some Sour D yesterday and it was rediculous, the guy who grew it took his time and ended up flowering it longer to get more of an indica phenotype. A lot of people really don't know how bomb Sour D can be, the stuff I got yesterday was the best Sour D I have ever smoked, heh I drove an hour just to check out the club and I ended up coming out with that, so of course I was stoked. I wish the best for you it should turn out really good. :weed:

But yeah as to the question about the sprayers, I have all the pumps on cycle timers that are set to 1 minute on and 5 minutes off. I write it next to the amount of water I use in the updates. Talk to you later for now.


stays relevant.
But yeah as to the question about the sprayers, I have all the pumps on cycle timers that are set to 1 minute on and 5 minutes off. I write it next to the amount of water I use in the updates. Talk to you later for now.
Haha thanks I didn't see that... either way, things are lookinggood :joint::hump: