Is this plant a male?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
give it time, i can see whgat looks like the start of a female flower starting to form on the therd branch on the right. give ita few days and watchfor two white hairs tocome out of it

go go kid

Well-Known Member
what i shouldhave said was a hermie, thanx michi-can, i forgot about the balls when i spotted the point of what looks like the start of a female pre flower


Well-Known Member
what i shouldhave said was a hermie, thanx michi-can, i forgot about the balls when i spotted the point of what looks like the start of a female pre flower
LOL. Still too early as pictured. Good call. I see round balls, not tear drops. And the better photo is split open and segregated. Not normal girl qualities.

Just my thoughts.



Thanks for the replies guys, I’m thinking it’s a herm or male too. I’ll give it a few more days but that’s 7 weeks in veg and most of the other plants have pistils. I’m indifferent to what it is I just don’t want a male in the flower room lol

go go kid

Well-Known Member
well you have until the flower opens b 4 you worry, just keep an eye on the male looking flowers, 1 defo a ball bag one maybe and a possible female flower.
i dont know how long pollen stays viable for once released, you mat want to look into it if the others havent shown and signs of flowering yet