Seedling edges yellowing

go go kid

Well-Known Member
you sound like youve washed the nutes out of the soil, they sound like there too hot if they need watering each day, they should need watering every 3 - 4 days only.
try repotting them in some fresh soil
what soil are you useing?


New Member
Just some fox farm. Gave them some root muscle too. Will repotting kill them? Maybe my led too much for em at 12"? Advertised as a 300w prob pushing like 150

go go kid

Well-Known Member
look at the specs sheet or list that came with it, there should be a wattage electricity pull from the wall in the list, although ive noticed recently that they (the sellers) dont offer the information up on it anymore, just the advertized light rating and not the real wattage, dodgy to me when they o that, do you know the name of the light in question?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
no, repotting wont kill them, just take the plant pot, putting the seedling inbetween two open fingers, give the pot a squeese and it should come out soil an all, then just put the old soil and seedling into some soil in a larger pot and give it a gentle watering, then leave it and see if it colours up again.
it sounds like theres too much heat in your grow space, thats why your watering too offten


Well-Known Member
Agree with @go go kid . Looks overwatered. If the roots cannot get enough oxygen, the leaves will yellow and droop, then curl up and die. Those leaves should be sticking almost straight out like the little solar panels that they are. Overwatering can look a lot like nitrogen deficiency.

They may not need a repot until you're ready to pot up. Let them dry out for a couple of days and see what happens. New growth should green up.

First grow? Have you ever grown any other houseplants or vegetables? If not, you should. You'll learn a ton about plant care and the seeds are a whole lot less expensive.

Welcome to RIU!


Well-Known Member
Just some fox farm. Gave them some root muscle too. Will repotting kill them? Maybe my led too much for em at 12"? Advertised as a 300w prob pushing like 150
Why would you have the light at 12 inches?

Seedlings need very little to get started. Including both water and light.

Don't need to be watered daily, the soil needs to dry to allow them to breathe.