Seed shell has been stuck for over 24 hours


I recently planted 6 seeds into rapid rooter plugs, and the white widow sprouted but the shell has been stuck on for a day and half now. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
It is possible to carefully remove the shell, just have to be cautious to not damage or remove the seedling from your medium. Do you have them in a dome or some place that is able to keep the humidity elevated?


Yes humidity had dropped the other day to around 49% for 6 hours because I had dome half on half off due to heat. It’s been sitting at 70% past 24 hours

go go kid

Well-Known Member
krep wetting the shell up with droplets of water directly onto the seed shell, this may speed up the shedding of the seed shell.
if that fails, try gently easing the shell off with your fingers, as long as your gentle with it, it should come off

go go kid

Well-Known Member
that looks like the cotildions (spell check) have yet to open up fully, i wouldent worry about it unless nothing changes


Well-Known Member
It's a learning curve and crap happens. Next time remember the heat issue and have a tested solution ready to go for next run.

I would try dampening the shell first. Strong, vigorous and healthy plants are what you want. A plant that fits that bill will shed it's helmet in the right conditions.

If that does not work in 24 hours or so you can pull the shell off. Someone on here may have a good way of accomplishing this, I do not. I do the best I can to hold the seedling gently in place and split the shell as carefully as I can. Take note that once the shell is off a layer of clear film can stay over the cotyledons, if they do not open in 12 hours or so, check that you were able to remove that.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i rely on a steady hand and give the split pod a gentle squeese whilst gently pulling at it untill it comes off, as long as you go very gently with it, you should be able to remove it without damaging the seedling


still havent made it home to try it ill keep you posted. I also have a seed that has popped but the root appears to be wrapping around the seed inside my rooter plug. I dont wanna mess with it, and im not sure if its a normal thing.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i got this happening to me too, so i stopped useing them. i just use a quality potting compost and give it a spray once a day to keep the soil moist


last time i made my own hole instead of using the factory made one, had a much less difficult experience. I may try and transfer it into a fresh one with a hole i made, anyone think this is a bad idea?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i eventualy cut one with a razor blade and placed it in the cut and put a small rubber band around it and it worked just fine, just make sure the rubber band isant too tight


Well-Known Member
It looks like part of the membrane inside the seed shell is still attached.
Mist it with water to soften the membrane and gently remove with a toothpick or tweezers.