AK Bean Brains

I can tell you from first hand experience that this is 100% correct.

For anyone that's interested...
He did it to me many years ago, without provocation, and got me banned from a forum that no longer exists.
I had been looking into possibly purchasing some of his seeds (I was young, and naive then, I know better now).
While looking for them online I came across his Riot Seeds Facebook page.
Said page had the info I was looking for, but when Matt set it up, he missed something.
He'd accidentally left an open link to his personal FB page active on the company FB page.
Knowing that we were both members of the same forum, I private messaged him, and in a very friendly manner explained what I saw.
Riot relied quickly saying he was unaware of the FB situation, and didn't want his personal stuff out there like that, so he thanked me for giving him a heads up on it.
I went to bed thinking I'd done a good deed.
When I woke up in the morning I found that had been banned from that forum.
The reason, for harassing Matt Riot, and threatening to grass him out.
I emailed the admins and was told that no less then two dozen other members had reported me for this.
I pointed out this was completely false, I had in fact done the opposite, and helped keep his info safe by alerting him.
I told them to simply read the PM I'd sent Riot and they'd see what I said to him and that he'd replied with a thank you.
They said that wasn't possible, and that with so many members upset with me, they would never allow me back on the forums.
I used a friends account to see what was going on in the forums, and that's when I learned a sad truth, that Matt Riot is a very unstable, and dangerous person.

I could not believe what I was reading and how absolutely psychotic it was.
Overnight, Riot had created dozens of brand new sock puppets accounts, all of them posting for the first time, and worrying about Matt's safety.
With posts like "Matt told me he's never going back on the internet again, because he's in hiding, fearing for his life".
I was later informed by other folks in the industry who have worked with him in the past that Matt Riot is/was a very heavy drug addict with serious mental health issues.
When he goes on a bender, or don't take his psych meds, he gets very paranoid, and delusional.

To make an apt analogy, imagine quietly pointing out to your friend that his fly is down, and he says thank you.
Then your friend walks into the next room and starts loudly telling everyone about the creep in the other room that's trying to look at his dick.
That is who Matt Riot is.
This is a super bummer. I was gifted some Riot seeds. Heres to hoping his gear is better than his manners.
I can tell you from first hand experience that this is 100% correct.

For anyone that's interested...
He did it to me many years ago, without provocation, and got me banned from a forum that no longer exists.
I had been looking into possibly purchasing some of his seeds (I was young, and naive then, I know better now).
While looking for them online I came across his Riot Seeds Facebook page.
Said page had the info I was looking for, but when Matt set it up, he missed something.
He'd accidentally left an open link to his personal FB page active on the company FB page.
Knowing that we were both members of the same forum, I private messaged him, and in a very friendly manner explained what I saw.
Riot relied quickly saying he was unaware of the FB situation, and didn't want his personal stuff out there like that, so he thanked me for giving him a heads up on it.
I went to bed thinking I'd done a good deed.
When I woke up in the morning I found that had been banned from that forum.
The reason, for harassing Matt Riot, and threatening to grass him out.
I emailed the admins and was told that no less then two dozen other members had reported me for this.
I pointed out this was completely false, I had in fact done the opposite, and helped keep his info safe by alerting him.
I told them to simply read the PM I'd sent Riot and they'd see what I said to him and that he'd replied with a thank you.
They said that wasn't possible, and that with so many members upset with me, they would never allow me back on the forums.
I used a friends account to see what was going on in the forums, and that's when I learned a sad truth, that Matt Riot is a very unstable, and dangerous person.

I could not believe what I was reading and how absolutely psychotic it was.
Overnight, Riot had created dozens of brand new sock puppets accounts, all of them posting for the first time, and worrying about Matt's safety.
With posts like "Matt told me he's never going back on the internet again, because he's in hiding, fearing for his life".
I was later informed by other folks in the industry who have worked with him in the past that Matt Riot is/was a very heavy drug addict with serious mental health issues.
When he goes on a bender, or don't take his psych meds, he gets very paranoid, and delusional.

To make an apt analogy, imagine quietly pointing out to your friend that his fly is down, and he says thank you.
Then your friend walks into the next room and starts loudly telling everyone about the creep in the other room that's trying to look at his dick.
That is who Matt Riot is.
Masonic had Matt's name posted on his fake riot seeds page on IG.
It might still be there
I looked him up for the fun of it.
He's from my hometown, lol.
I understand a persons want for privacy, but when you make as many enemies as he has, it's essential for his safety.
Akbeanbrains doesn't even try to hide his identity because most people like him except for the haters and snakes.
Show me the freezer and stock it came from. With out real proof its just another wife's tales. How many people that buy this BC even know what real BC is spose to be? Most dont and buy it purely for old novelty of having older strains. People can say anything thing they want. Once a plant is grown out it won't lie..... but if the person growing dosnt have a reference point then they believe the lie cause they don't know better.
i ordered a couple packs from Riot last year and it was by far the worst customer service I've had with any breeder. I sent my $ and provided them with the tracking information. They emailed me immediately saying that once they received my payment they would ship my package along with tracking. About a week goes by and i emailed them to see if they got my payment.....nothing....few more days i emailed again......nothing, 2 weeks go by still hadn't heard back from them. I emailed them again at 3 weeks and Riot finally emailed back sorry its taking so long but we are going to the post office today to pickup payments. I thought cool man its understandable with Covid and all. That was the last time i heard from them for another month. I was emailing every week because they still never confirmed they got my payment and finally i just said to send my money back because i'm over it. I received my seeds over 2 months after ordering but that's not what bothers me.....it was the lack of communication.
You're pretty sour about this aren't you. I can see it in your face.
Show me the freezer and stock it came from. With out real proof its just another wife's tales. How many people that buy this BC even know what real BC is spose to be? Most dont and buy it purely for old novelty of having older strains. People can say anything thing they want. Once a plant is grown out it won't lie..... but if the person growing dosnt have a reference point then they believe the lie cause they don't know better.
Same logic goes for calling it a lie.
Just because someone says something, doesn't make them a liar.
If I grew them out now and none of us grew them out in the 80's, then no one has the right to claim legitimacy other than looking at the few pictures that were not grown under modern indoor tech.
Same logic goes for calling it a lie.
Just because someone says something, doesn't make them a liar.
If I grew them out now and none of us grew them out in the 80's, then no one has the right to claim legitimacy other than looking at the few pictures that were not grown under modern indoor tech.
Agreed, it goes both ways. I have no gain or loss in this, I simply want the truth when it comes to genetics is all.

hopefully there are a few people left around that have experienced the real deal. Best case scenario the old owner of SSSC gets some beans, grow them and tell us yay or nay.
Agreed, it goes both ways. I have no gain or loss in this, I simply want the truth when it comes to genetics is all.

hopefully there are a few people left around that have experienced the real deal. Best case scenario the old owner of SSSC gets some beans, grow them and tell us yay or nay.
I know for a fact that Karel he has the beans from AKBB, so we shall see what he thinks.
Shouldn’t he be?
man, I was just jokin. look at @sourchunk's emoji it looks all crazy.

Hey,.. that is if you can look at it. What did his post get deleted? Boy the moderators must be working overtime. Hmm that's suspect. I don't know if I sounded serious when I was joking but I'm not trying to keep the truth from getting out. But I don't even know any of this shit about breeders and even I know this Riot guy gets a lot of complaints. All I can say is I saw the video he made about how you must start your seeds if you want to qualify for a dud refund which involved hanging them in a baggie so they're vertical and I thought that was not good.
Hey,.. that is if you can look at it. What did his post get deleted? Boy the moderators must be working overtime. Hmm that's suspect. I don't know if I sounded serious when I was joking but I'm not trying to keep the truth from getting out. But I don't even know any of this shit about breeders and even I know this Riot guy gets a lot of complaints. All I can say is I saw the video he made about how you must start your seeds if you want to qualify for a dud refund which involved hanging them in a baggie so they're vertical and I thought that was not good.
You can ask @sourchunks if he they had it deleted or not. They can edit it but they cant remove it w/o asking an admin. If they didn't ask then it was removed by admin. Simple as that. If it was admin I would assume they would nuke your post that replied to it as well.
anyways back to AK Bean Brains!! I'm just starting my second run with my Vintage BB x BB Muffin keepers #2 (Fruity BB terps) and #3 (BB Muffin terps). Both of them look almost identical in veg and flower producing extremely dense frosty colorful buds. The terps are what set them apart and everyone the sampled them loved both.....some liked the muffin more some liked the fruity BB more. I only grew them in 1 gallon pots as i was pheno hunting so the plants were pretty small. We will see how they do when i grow them proper. I have a couple nugs left of both and i tell you when i crack those jars my house immediately fills with an intense pungent Blueberry aroma.