VPD Part 2, acceptable range??


Well-Known Member
Posted a thread last week about VPD, I was waiting for an infrared thermometer before I could accurately gauge my VPD.
Results are in and I just want to check and make sure this range is acceptable.
My plants are in early veg, from what I’ve read I want a kPa range of 0.4~0.8.
I just checked my numbers and it comes out to 0.77kPa, which I know is within range, BUT my air temp is 71°(21.6), 70%RH, & leaf temp of 71°(21.6).
I know plants under LED prefer a little more temp in the room, but since my VPD is within range is the air temp a concern?


Well-Known Member
VPD tells you if you are in range for a given temp. It does not eliminate the need to optimize temps. They will grow slower at that temp, likely fine but possibly some uptake issues if that temp never increases.


Well-Known Member
VPD tells you if you are in range for a given temp. It does not eliminate the need to optimize temps. They will grow slower at that temp, likely fine but possibly some uptake issues if that temp never increases.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. I’ll try and fine tune a bit more. Thanks for the input