Fungus Gnats


Active Member
Hey guys,

Have 8 3 gallon plants in coco. Week 4 -5 of flower, synthetic nutes, neem spray once a week for ipm. Had a bit of a fungus gnat problem so I did the standard procedure. Dried out the medium, flushed with hydrogen peroxide, sprayed neem, dried out the medium again, flushed again, sprayed neem again.

Gnats are still present which is usually never the case after that combo.....

My new tactic is to just permanently run hydrogen peroxide in my drip irrigation. My thought is, if the gnat eggs could never hatch because of the peroxide, I won't slow down my plants growth by having to dry out the medium every time. And in two to three weeks all the larger gnats who weren't leaving anyway will be dead.

I tried looking for some info on this before but couldn't find anything. Let me know what you guys think!
Try a tiny dish of apple cider vinegar in the corner near the plants, with a tiny bit of liquid dish soap in it to break surface tension. Fruit flies love that shit and kill themselves in it. May work for fungus gnats idk worth a shot. So then ur killing eggs and the mature pests, one two punch
Try a tiny dish of apple cider vinegar in the corner near the plants, with a tiny bit of liquid dish soap in it to break surface tension. Fruit flies love that shit and kill themselves in it. May work for fungus gnats idk worth a shot. So then ur killing eggs and the mature pests, one two punch

I like that idea. I will give it a try now lol. Do you know any other ways to kill the mature ones by chance?
maybe not the best idea, but you can cover the soil with diatomacious earth, a thin layer of that stops them
Hey go go. Thanks man!, but I tried this three times already. Thick layers of DE too. These guys are in there reaaaaal good.

How come you think the hydrogen peroxide is a bad idea? I have no idea if it would actually work btw.
This works for my small coco grow.

Gnat larvae soup. BTi concentrate from dunks.
(Dunks are super expensive in Canada. Why....I dunno)

Crush up a couple dunks.
Funnel the crumble it into a gallon jug filled with your normal nute solution.
Shake it like mad. Let it sit. Repeat over a couple hours.

Shake it up and slowly... Pour it thru paper towel to strain out the solids.

Add to res. (Check ph.) And top feed as usual. Stickies for flyers.

2 weeks max. No more gnats.
high jochhe1998

all i can say is the same as has allready been mentioned Organic Fungus Gnat Control
Mix one part peroxide with four parts water, and pour it through the soil at the root zone until it begins to come out of the base of the pot. The peroxide kills fungus gnat larvae on contact. this has some info on controleing them instead of getting rid of them
looking for something for the next one.
Yellow sticky tapes, and, fresh good quality duct tape, or the stickyest tape, maybe tuck tape red. Roll a bunch of that and place it over the medium, over the whole hole. Pointing up and down. It will be covered in no time. You can also change your air exhaust hose ls around, and suck the flying ones out or blow them out so they can not re enter.
Man, I just watched a couple of predatory mites taking down some Fungus Gnat larvae through the 60x's scope. It was in the runoff water. (they float)... it was like watching an MMA fight, and I should have had to pay to watch it. They was all over them like Chuck Liddell in a grapple fight.
lmao... dude don't keep me waiting :D. Where's the link??