outdoor vegg window

john wishmyer

Well-Known Member
my current outdoor time is around 13:30 i dont want to put my plants to risk flower then re vegg but from the looks of it, done smaller plants i put outside flowered and are now revegging. What would you do? all my current run is from seed no clone



Well-Known Member
You can place them outside right now if you can run an extension cord and a couple cfl -incandescent even—lights, just so the plants see the light After sunset. Match what your doing indoors and work down from there. I live in Northern California and may 21 is where you no longer need supplemental lighting.

I place clones outside in early March and have a little crop end of May. Plants flower immediately and May 21 is when they’ll try to reveg but it takes a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
you dont think theyll flower? i have supplemental maybe 4 extra hours around 730 im thinking of cutting back an hour every 3 days until it matches outside
what latitude are you I will be at 14 sunlight hours next week I’m at 37 by the way . No they will stunt but not flower all the way

john wishmyer

Well-Known Member
what latitude are you I will be at 14 sunlight hours next week I’m at 37 by the way . No they will stunt but not flower all the way
33.7175° N, 117.8311° W
yeah, see im looking for a smooth transition no flower to revegg so i guess ill wait till mayish