3 pointed leaves!!


Well-Known Member
a healthy plant with adequate light will grow as follows, 1 leaf, 3 pointed leaf, 5, and 7 some go mare but should increase points at eacn node. Some strains only get 3 or 5 points, duckfoot is one.


Well-Known Member
l go with homebrew co2, way better than tnb naturals which only last 3 days. Longest tnb lived 5 days. Use water bottle filter so l know when dead. Try it you can raise temp and humidity with co2, they grow way better, less problems. Plants loving it. Reveg will cause 3 leaved plants too. But they grow out of it.


Active Member
Update I ended up getting new lights with a actual power of 310 watts. All my plants have started flowering but I’ve noticed my fan leaves have become dry and crispy. I have the lights all the way up so I don’t think it’s light burn. I’m not sure if it’s my temperature in the tent or if I’m over/under with the nutes please help