Shipping clones

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Simple and cheap


Would`t play for me properly but looks sorta what I did. I used a bigger cup with the clone and soil in it and covered it with a neoprene disk, then inserted a smaller cup on top, then taped both of them together. The smaller cup kept the neoprene in place so not of the soil would fall out.
Way to expensive it would be more expensive than the cost of the clone, I made one from two different beer cups and a neoprene disk but never had a chance to use it so just looking at other methods.

Was thinking of floal water tubes and un rooted cuttings with hydo gel inside to keep moisture.
I have some you can.put water in as long as the clones stem is 1/8" or better
Two beer cups back to back with duct tape holding the growing medium
Two fit the small priority box perfectly with a few peanuts
Way to expensive it would be more expensive than the cost of the clone, I made one from two different beer cups and a neoprene disk but never had a chance to use it so just looking at other methods.

Was thinking of floal water tubes and un rooted cuttings with hydo gel inside to keep moisture.
Wet paper towels wrapped around stem in plastic bagggie.

cheap and effective.

high survival rate to shipping cost
I got a rooted one in a reusable air layering pod of coco a few months ago, and the stem was stabilized just with peanuts. Flat rate box. It made sense to me. Paper towel in a baggie sounds easier though.
I've recieved clones a few times and it was just fresh cuts with damp paper towel on the bottom of the stem.Best is before it gets to hot out,and they just used a zip bag.Every cut lived and rooted
I've recieved clones a few times and it was just fresh cuts with damp paper towel on the bottom of the stem.Best is before it gets to hot out,and they just used a zip bag.Every cut lived and rooted

So just the cutting but un rooted? Those would be easy to ship. I know people would would keep cutting in fridge for weeks and they would still root fine lol.

Might have to do a test run or two lol
Yup cut,wrap bottom of stem in moist(not too wet) paper towel and throw into a zip bag.I actually recieved cuts just like this,in a bubble mailer.Somehow they were perfect,nothing bent or snapped.
Wet paper towels wrapped around stem in plastic bagggie.

cheap and effective.

high survival rate to shipping cost

you get a better survival rate without the wet paper towels. Literally just take a cutting, put it in a ziplock and suck the air out of the bag. I've had cuts from the east coast to HI survive fine with this method. I've been sent cuts from Cali wrapped in wet paper towels and they were mush when they arrived and they had a much shorter trip.