Hello to anyone who has an idea on how to help me i cleaned my glass pipe with gas i cant get the taste or smell out of it

what is this recess at an elementary school?
But not a gas oven
it wouldn't matter. the flash point of those v.o.c vapors is so low it would combust way before that temp even with an open flame around.
V.O.C. composition of motor vehicle fuels and vapors,
and also there wouldn't be enough vapors to ignite since the guy tried to wash it, remove it, reduce it, scrub it all away...so we're dealing with residual at best.
but i get it, you wanted to sound safety oriented....from the looks of this thread and the giddy elementary school recess level of knowledge...im happy to see my post to actually help someone was buried
what is this recess at an elementary school?

it wouldn't matter. the flash point of those v.o.c vapors is so low it would combust way before that temp even with an open flame around.
V.O.C. composition of motor vehicle fuels and vapors,
and also there wouldn't be enough vapors to ignite since the guy tried to wash it, remove it, reduce it, scrub it all away...so we're dealing with residual at best.
but i get it, you wanted to sound safety oriented....from the looks of this thread and the giddy elementary school recess level of knowledge...im happy to see my post to actually help someone was buried
Sometimes humor helps ease anxious people...you need to laugh a little more.
Op was given more than enough real info..
I watched a video on Google the best and easiest way to clean a glass pipe. It said to use course salt and rubbing alcohol. I couldn't find any rubbing alcohol. I compromised and used gasoline. That was a huge mistake. What can I do to get the taste and smell of gas out of my pipe?

I now have visions of you trying to light you glass pipe, after soaking it in petrol ..and *BOOM* instant Cheech and Chong comedy sketch ;)
I'd recommend Isopropyl (factor 1), you can get it from the chemist. Just say you use it to clean tape machine heads nd need the highest purity :)

All these other recommendations got me thinking. I bet a 3% solution of H2So4 (hydrogen peroxide), again from the chemist, might work wonders too. That 'bubbling' effect H2So4 has, might loosen stubborn pipe gunk :)
