Harvest time?


Active Member
This is GDP: just started Week 7 flower.
looking at the plant and trichomes do you think I am in the harvest window? I use synthetic nutes so should I start the flush now? And how much do you think this will yield dry? Any guessses?806FBBD1-CA4C-4E39-A063-59C75D19D9C9.jpegFA1B12D4-76FC-4773-8D62-B6EBC34950AC.jpeg
nah i wouldn't weigh them when they are wet that is a waste of time. Its the dry weight that i care about. So i guess if i give the bud a gentle squeeze with gloves on il know if its airy or not? and oh i know quality is all that matters that is why i came on here to see what you guys think about the trichome production and the buds themselves. I want to harvest at the peak potency. this is my first grow so i know its not going to be perfect but i want it as close to perfect as i can get it! I'll have better pictures later.
Ok so here are some better pics. The first 3 are of one bud from GDP and the last 3 are from Pineapple Express. They are both on Day 1 Week 7 of Flower. The questions I have are:
Should I begin to flush both plants or just one. If just one then which one?
Is the harvest window open?
I hope I took better pics of the buds and not the sugar leaves this time. 5FE3449F-2262-4D64-A43A-E2B0539B3238.jpeg10E440B6-A0CD-4C48-B037-0ECE56AC8EC8.jpegAB6B9BED-12FC-4860-B0FE-704D702E9F5C.jpeg0FA7EF21-5D73-4AF3-8099-79537FC44A40.jpeg2C866FFA-927E-4D90-A7ED-C0AB122D6EAE.jpeg0AF05491-E3D9-4B0D-A5D2-D09232BFC633.jpeg
Wait two week easy, probably more like 3+
Here are 2 pics I just took of both plants: first is gdp and 2nd is Pineapple Express. Do you think both plants will pull 3oz or just gdp, or both in total? Also I gave them both a gentle squeeze with gloves on and boy are they sticky lol smell awesome too! Both gdp and Pineapple Express are also pretty dense.
Here are 2 pics I just took of both plants: first is gdp and 2nd is Pineapple Express. Do you think both plants will pull 3oz or just gdp, or both in total? Also I gave them both a gentle squeeze with gloves on and boy are they sticky lol smell awesome too! Both gdp and Pineapple Express are also pretty dense.
Most of the pistils are white. I’m thinking you have a month, maybe 5 weeks. None of your pictures indicate harvest window, not even close.
Maybe somebody told you or you read somewhere about flushing. It’s nonsense just don’t overfeed and feed till the end.
Oh ok. But do you think either are in the harvest window? And should I start to flush both of them?
No they are not in the harvest window. Have about 3-4 weeks to go. Looking at the pictures again it's probably closer to 4. Flushing is pointless. Feed slightly weaker nutrients up until harvest.