Dropped 100$ in doge

He sold all his btc the shithead. Hes manipulating the market by creating dips to buy other coins.

he didnt sell his personal holdings, Tesla sold 10% of its BTC one month after he promised they wouldnt to supposedly "prove its liquidity." And for someone who is so intelligent and a dominant force in the renewable energy industry, it seems super suspect that he did not consider the environmental impacts of crypto before announcing they would accept BTC as payment and then the next month say they are going to stop because its bad for the environment.
he didnt sell his personal holdings, Tesla sold 10% of its BTC one month after he promised they wouldnt to supposedly "prove its liquidity." And for someone who is so intelligent and a dominant force in the renewable energy industry, it seems super suspect that he did not consider the environmental impacts of crypto before announcing they would accept BTC as payment and then the next month say they are going to stop because its bad for the environment.
Maybe he was just trying to follow up on jokes from his SNL skits. He likes to be a funny guy.
Hope every one is holding up i just lost 500 buks so i cashed out.. im so freakin pissed... right at the moment im brokest may i add
On the one hand Elon's right. On the other hand, what dude?.. Elon just now figured out that crypto mining has a toll on the environment? Did he also sell all his holdings? Seems highly doubtful. Also scary that one dude can drop the entire market 20% in a single sentence.
Noise all f**ken noise, what is your % of power consumption to your gross mining profits?

Do you actually mine or you worked it out by reading other peoples BS?
Hope every one is holding up i just lost 500 buks so i cashed out.. im so freakin pissed... right at the moment im brokest may i add
i'm sorry to hear that but I dont think its game over for DOGE just yet, Elon just tweeted a poll a few days ago asking if Tesla should accept Doge then right after he announced they would stop accepting BTC...kinda feels like Tesla might announce they will accept Doge but who knows.
Other coins are dropping, but my ADA is still looking strong today.
yeah, money is moving towards energy efficient coins. My portfolio took a beating this week but I'm still holding. Once Goguen is finalized and ADA start offering smart contracts and NFT's we could see a lot of upside with ADA.
yeah, money is moving towards energy efficient coins. My portfolio took a beating this week but I'm still holding. Once Goguen is finalized and ADA start offering smart contracts and NFT's we could see a lot of upside with ADA.
I already have everything in ADA, and except for my ETH2 which is staked.
Hahaha fucking called it. In this thread as a matter of fact (check the first pages). Coinbase will list doge in 6-8 weeks.
That environmental myth has been busted over and over. Something like over 75% of Miners use renewable energy sources. He better start watching what he types before he gets the SEC on his ass like John Mcafee.
Lol even if the SEC was like a real enforcement agency that enforced things, they still don’t regulate crypto! They overstepped with XRP and they know it. Crypto is so new they don’t have many laws on the books to enforce. Imagine if they did though, it would be pretty hard to regulate a currency. We also have freedom of speech here. Thank the lord.