Don't worry, DOGE is back up now, so you can buy again. Buy high, and sell low right?Hope every one is holding up i just lost 500 buks so i cashed out.. im so freakin pissed... right at the moment im brokest may i add
i'm sorry to hear that but I dont think its game over for DOGE just yet, Elon just tweeted a poll a few days ago asking if Tesla should accept Doge then right after he announced they would stop accepting BTC...kinda feels like Tesla might announce they will accept Doge but who knows.
That environmental myth has been busted over and over. Something like over 75% of Miners use renewable energy sources. He better start watching what he types before he gets the SEC on his ass like John Mcafee.
It is not an environmental myth. Bitcoin mining consumes a huge amount of power. It doesn't matter where it comes from. It has an environmental impact. Dams kill fish, wind farms are not as environmentally friendly as some think due to the carbon footprint used to build, transport, and maintain them. Hell for that matter Tesla's and electric cars are not the environmentally friendly vehicles some seem to think. The strip mining used for the nickel in the batteries is an environmental catastrophe with entire mountain tops leveled, wildlife habitat destroyed, and toxin leaching into the water table, rivers, and streams.
Environmental Impacts of Cryptocurrency
You have probably heard of Bitcoin or Ethereum; you may have even heard stories of people getting rich quickly from these and other types of cryptocurrency. However, you may not have thought of the possible environmental impacts of these digital currencies. This is due to the vast amount
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Your electric heating uses a shitload more power than this, and then you go to work and use a shitload more.
How can I respond to such a pathetic reply, oh wait I got it.I rarely turn on the heat and I've worked from home for years. My grow light is the biggest user of power in my household.
How can I respond to such a pathetic reply, oh wait I got it.
Welcome to my ignore list.
@bernie344 posts some pretty stupid shit about growing weed too. Not real surprised with his continued garbage posts in this thread. Hopefully I'm already on his ignore list.The only thing pathetic is the people that think crypto is some new thing and is just now starting.
2009-01-08 18:54
2015-07-30 08:26
That's if you even know what I just posted means. A hint, the genesis block was the first one right before number 1.
The heyday for mining and getting in early is long gone. You're years late to the party.
she's looking good eh? 5th highest market cap for a coin that doesnt even have smart contracts yet and many consider to be incomplete, just imagine when more upgrades roll out.
Im not a yank im australian shitheadYou yanky boys outa bed yet?
Its friday night here 10.30 pm, waiting for ya`s to get back to buying, I got some mining to do.
ps. checkout Brave Browser, blocks trackers and ads, but they display there own ads which if you decide to look at, they actually pay you in BAT coin.
Its a crypto centric browser.
Just throwin you blokes a bone.
Now get to it.
Hahahaha. If you’re mad then you aren’t making enough money. Don’t let the door hit ya where the lord split ya.Sticks n stones mofo`s.
Young dudes between 16 and 20 years old on here pretending to be something they are not, its a recurring thing right across these forums talking about things they know F all about and when they get pulled up for talking BS, they just outright lie about who they are and what they know.
Plenty of older experience people can see it and dont even bother to engage you in conversation.
And then through they're frustration they resort to name calling and other childish antics.
Bill Burr said 85% of people online are not worth engaging, and that`s you c**ts.
Quote "So I`ll end this shit with a f**k you and have a nice day"
I'm old enough to be one of your fathers, Bernie.Sticks n stones mofo`s.
Young dudes between 16 and 20 years old on here pretending to be something they are not, its a recurring thing right across these forums talking about things they know F all about and when they get pulled up for talking BS, they just outright lie about who they are and what they know.
Plenty of older experience people can see it and dont even bother to engage you in conversation.
And then through they're frustration they resort to name calling and other childish antics.
Bill Burr said 85% of people online are not worth engaging, and that`s you c**ts.
Quote "So I`ll end this shit with a f**k you and have a nice day"