Slight color shift seedlings

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Seedlings are 9 days from the surface.

These are due to be watered today. The biggest one (first) seems to be showing some yellowing as does the second plant. Should I just keep PHing my water and see how it goes or does anyone see any issues.

They’ve been in domes at 78%RH and 72 degrees. I’ve removed the domes today and they’ll be at 45%RH now. Or higher if I can manage. They’re stacking nodes very nicely and very tightly. No leaf curl, tip burn, or drooping etc. I’d rather catch any issues ahead of time though. I’m in a coco/peat blend with organic amendments, lime, ewc, insect grass etc lol
Each plant has two pic (top and side)


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GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Too small to spend so much time on them
They are fine could use a lil nitrogen but the little blemishes you are pointing out are not even noticeable in mature plants
theres 4/4/4 in the soil already but I went with a lighter dose to start because I didn’t want to mess w the seedlings. I’d just rather them be as healthy as possible since they’re autos. I gave them some water at 6.5.

I got a sample bottle of fish sh!t in the mail and I have seaweed kelp as well. I suppose I could give them a light dose of that and see if the little bit of N helps them out ‍♂

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Had just watered them 15 min before but I gave them another tiny watering right after w some fish sh!t in it. My seaweed kelp emulsion is like 5 years old so not sure if it’s still good...