Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Since our version of Typhoid Mary came down with hers 16 days ago, we have had four other cases. Two have recovered, two have not. The last two were working in the facility last Friday.

I have been chastised twice for asking about their symptoms when they call off.

Management's unofficial position is "if we don't ask about their symptoms then this is just an HR issue, not a public health one."

My boss should be fired.

was that your Karen?:lol:

when she comes back she's going to be shedding for two weeks extra than the doctor says.
I think they both have equal side effects if your ample is large enough.

you could be allergic the preservatives or another inactive ingredient. i just got death rash that my Neurologist insisted only those with Asian decent get..'this is the drug we give to pregnant people'.

i haven't had the best of luck lately with new shots and new meds.
No. But there are probably only going to be two types of people before long: the vaccinated and the infected.

Wait for it.

you know what? i came to that same conclusion the other day which when CDC announced 'off with the masks'. i don't get them..they're Bidens people now too; how irresponsible after only 100 days.

we've got the travelers back from God only knows where.

it forced me to shit or get off the pot:weed:
This is not a good place for me. Everything good about me is a liability here.

I'm dealing with a health issue that has yet to be diagnosed. CAT scans tomorrow are likely to answer some questions. The answers to those questions will determine my options. Right now, the most important thing is insurance continuity (because... America)

I might be ok or I might be very, very fucked. Fingers crossed.

Oh, and that dump is a Fortune 100 company.
I am so sorry to hear about your health problem! I hope it’s nothing serious and you get better quickly! Do you have to drink the barium suflfate for your CT scan? I do those scans.
I'm retired with a corporate pension. Who'd you rip off for your money and are you living in SE Asia to avoid US taxes and alimony payments to your first wife?

don't listen to him hes a slumlord with HUD properties and bitches about his residents wanting service for their rent.
No. But there are probably only going to be two types of people before long: the vaccinated and the infected.

Wait for it.
Problem is that roughly 25% of those vaccinated are infected.

It's not going to hurt the vaccinated person but we still don't know how well vaccinated infected people can pass the virus on to unvaccinated people.
Ricky schoeder - child star / adult asshole

Silver Spoons made another scree video and brought up the 'Rhodesia' thing along with a bunch of propagandists.


And the South African stormfront bullshit.


Once a lying rich white 'chauvinist' always one I guess.

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Just got my first Pfizer shot at a mass vaccination site at the Oregon Convention Center. Lots of people but it only took 45 minutes in and out and 15 of that was for observation that I had to wait through before being allowed to go over to another line to schedule a second dose. They wrote a time on a piece of tape you stuck to the front of your shirt. I guess I could have just left without waiting the 15 minutes and just scheduled a second dose appointment online. Overall it was organized pretty good for speed and efficiency. They had National Guardsmen doing some of the check in and scheduling but civilians administering the shots. One thing I wasn't happy about was the pink bandage they put on my arm. I had a pink shirt back in the 80's to go with my yellow tie but it's really not my color these days.
Alright you Magats …. How many of you took a bleach injection up your ass instead ? …

Still waiting for it “ to go away “ ?