They're at it anew...The cannabis industry's next war: How strong should its weed be?

THC isn’t everything in good bud. My favourite strain is probably no more than 18%. Conversely, I’ve had supposed 30% bud that I didn’t particularly like.

I don’t understand why there needs to be a cap as long as the THC level is posted. From an economics point of view, if an industrial grower has a great crop and it tests over the cap, what do you do with the harvest?

I say it should be burned.

it gets saved and sold right from Evidence Lockup.
which state is it that all drugs are legal now..?

round and round it goes..

soon everything will be Charlottes Web:lol:

the Pillbillies grow and won't be happy either.

huuuuuuuuuuuge weed farms here in CO and their state lobby? i remember being told about the 'low beer' here and how it didn't last.

$10 billion in recreational marijuana has now been sold in Colorado, fueled by strong 2020 sales.Feb 9, 2021

$10 billion in recreational marijuana has now been sold in .

you think they're going to mess with this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?and yes, that's a 'B'

i'm going to say there is no news to post so Media is reaching for any shocking..they're spoiled they had Trump on the daily and now they have to look for news.
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Well sir, please save yo cash. This weed site should have good info about weed.

I did freak out some dudes that had only grown autos and fems of popular varieties by giving them some heavy sativas, grew taller than the guys house and put out 5lbs.

That magic weed though is a bridge to far.
The TV situation is dire at the riverhouse. I sometimes watch the Florida Channel, one of four PBS channels I get. Couple of three weeks ago I watched debate in a senate subcommittee about limiting medical to 15% thc here in Florida. The head man from the GOP said about the state of medical in Florida, "a lot of people are getting rich, and a lot of people are getting high."

It passed out of the subcommittee. Not sure what happened in the full senate.
The TV situation is dire at the riverhouse. I sometimes watch the Florida Channel, one of four PBS channels I get. Couple of three weeks ago I watched debate in a senate subcommittee about limiting medical to 15% thc here in Florida. The head man from the GOP said about the state of medical in Florida, "a lot of people are getting rich, and a lot of people are getting high."

It passed out of the subcommittee. Not sure what happened in the full senate.
Im still floored that you guys in Flordia passed the prisoners right to vote thing and DeSantas just was all like 'nah' and polled taxed it.

Im pretty pumped to see how Demmings does running for senate.
I'm a lightweight. I did one toke on some of the really potent stuff and it was the stuff of high comedy. Got up to get a drink of water and forgot what I was there for while standing at the sink.

So, yeah, I don't do that any more. Why I should try to stop somebody else from it is beyond me.

i'm a heavyweight and i've had some stuff here just the other day that knocked me on my ass:lol:
Im still floored that you guys in Flordia passed the prisoners right to vote thing and DeSantas just was all like 'nah' and polled taxed it.

Im pretty pumped to see how Demmings does running for senate.
I think the wording said something like shall meet all demands placed on them by the courts, or some such. Fines are being waived now if you say it's a hardship.

When we voted for medical, in the beginning the GOP in charge in Tally said no smokable flower. They had to backtrack on that as well.
I think the wording said something like shall meet all demands placed on them by the courts, or some such. Fines are being waived now if you say it's a hardship.

When we voted for medical, in the beginning the GOP in charge in Tally said no smokable flower. They had to backtrack on that as well.

what was the GOP planning on selling?
There's so much more to weed being satisfying than simply having a high THC percentage
It's the same as alcohol. Decent people like a nice, tasty cold beer or a fine sipping whiskey or something like that. It's drank for the pleasure of it and the nice warm finish one gets from it.

Then you have the idiots saying, "my home brew beer is 60% alcohol and will fuck you up mannnnnnnnn!"

Ok. Fine. But it taste like dog shit mixed with rubbing alcohol, so who will ever buy it?