January 6th, 2021


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Trump calls for Jan. 6 commission debate to end 'immediately'
Former President Trump called for an immediate end to the debate over a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot the night before the House is expected to approve the plan.

“Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission. It is just more partisan unfairness and unless the murders, riots, and fire bombings in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, and New York are also going to be studied, this discussion should be ended immediately,” Trump said in a statement Tuesday night.

“Republicans must get much tougher and much smarter, and stop being used by the Radical Left. Hopefully, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are listening!” he added.

"Why are they always picking on me, me, me?"


Well-Known Member
Ron Johnson opposes Jan. 6 commission
Johnson, a vocal supporter of the former President Trump, called the push for a 9/11-style commission to investigate Jan. 6 "a farce."

"I hope no Republicans in the House vote for this," Johnson said. "I hope nobody in the Senate embraces it either."

"That's one of the biggest problems with this commission is the commissioners are going to be named by congressional leaders including Speaker Pelosi who is, let's face it, ultimately responsible for the security of the Capitol," Johnson said Tuesday night during an appearance on Fox News.

Johnson suggested Pelosi needs to be "held accountable as well" if she and other members of Democratic leadership are going to be the ones picking commissioners to serve on the body.


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Giuliani, who urged Trump supporters to have 'trial by combat,' says he wasn't literally calling for insurrection
Lawyers for Rudy Giuliani -- who exhorted Trump supporters in Washington on the day of the Capitol riot to "have trial by combat" -- are now arguing that he wasn't literally advocating for an insurrection over the 2020 election results.

In a court filing Monday, Giuliani wrote that his words to Trump supporters were "hyperbolic." The former New York City mayor also said in his court filing that the core of the insurrection was orchestrated by pro-Trump extremist groups to whom he had no connection.

"Plaintiff would have the Court believe that what the FBI has been unable to do — tie Defendants to a vast conspiracy to mastermind the attack on the Capitol — Plaintiff will accomplish through this litigation. This is simply too far-fetched and outlandish to pass the plausibility standard of the law," Giuliani's court argument said.

"Over the next 10 days, we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent, and if we're wrong, we will be made fools of, but if we're right, a lot of them will go to jail," he told the crowd that day. "So, let's have trial by combat."


Well-Known Member
Trump calls for Jan. 6 commission debate to end 'immediately'
Former President Trump called for an immediate end to the debate over a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot the night before the House is expected to approve the plan.

“Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission. It is just more partisan unfairness and unless the murders, riots, and fire bombings in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, and New York are also going to be studied, this discussion should be ended immediately,” Trump said in a statement Tuesday night.

“Republicans must get much tougher and much smarter, and stop being used by the Radical Left. Hopefully, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are listening!” he added.

"Why are they always picking on me, me, me?"
They will have a commission and if no republicans vote for it, then they will not get to pick who sits on it. Some republicans in the house and senate will vote for it though and only they should have a voice as to who sits on the commission. Many republican house members and senators were complicit, or directly aided and abetted the Capital Hill insurrection. It would be like putting the criminals who committed a bank robbery on the jury that is trying them for the crime.


Well-Known Member
Ron Johnson opposes Jan. 6 commission
Johnson, a vocal supporter of the former President Trump, called the push for a 9/11-style commission to investigate Jan. 6 "a farce."

"I hope no Republicans in the House vote for this," Johnson said. "I hope nobody in the Senate embraces it either."

"That's one of the biggest problems with this commission is the commissioners are going to be named by congressional leaders including Speaker Pelosi who is, let's face it, ultimately responsible for the security of the Capitol," Johnson said Tuesday night during an appearance on Fox News.

Johnson suggested Pelosi needs to be "held accountable as well" if she and other members of Democratic leadership are going to be the ones picking commissioners to serve on the body.
It would be nice if Republicans would compete with ideas. They don't have the ability. But it would be nice.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if Republicans would compete with ideas. They don't have the ability. But it would be nice.
Donald doesn't have ideas and neither do they, if they tried to voice ideas, Trump would just fuck it up. This is a good example of Donald screwing them and himself, a smart move would be to agree to the commission and then try to fuck it up from the inside by appointing dickheads to muddy the waters. Now the only republicans who will be voting for the commission will be the likes of Liz Cheny and Mitt Romney and anybody else who wants to get rid of Trump for good. Donald fucked himself with this move.


Well-Known Member
Donald doesn't have ideas and neither do they, if they tried to voice ideas, Trump would just fuck it up. This is a good example of Donald screwing them and himself, a smart move would be to agree to the commission and then try to fuck it up from the inside by appointing dickheads to muddy the waters. Now the only republicans who will be voting for the commission will be the likes of Liz Cheny and Mitt Romney and anybody else who wants to get rid of Trump for good. Donald fucked himself with this move.
Republicans would have been 50% of the commission had McCarthy agreed. It was more than a fair deal but fairness isn't a Republican value.


Well-Known Member
Republicans would have been 50% of the commission had McCarthy agreed. It was more than a fair deal but fairness isn't a Republican value.
If no bipartisan commission, then, BENGHAZI it is! Let the house hearings begin, along with the referrals to the DOJ and FBI. It's will interesting to see how the house and senate vote on this republican hot potato, the house will have 30 or so republicans voting for it, I wonder if Mitch can maintain complete discipline on the senate side. Also it might put some pressure to end the filibuster and 60 vote rule, Manchin would have to oppose it for the sake of the "traditions" of the senate as opposed to the democracy of the founders.


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people are telling me that many of my supporters, and i love you all by the way, came to DC on a short bus.
It has to be getting close to being able to say that on TV if their lawyers are arguing right?

Because they are.

She is using trigger words nonstop.


Well-Known Member
House approves Jan. 6 commission over GOP objections
The House on Wednesday passed a bill to establish a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, earning relatively little support from Republicans as GOP leaders sought to quash a bill negotiated by one of their own members.

Lawmakers passed the bill in a 252-175 vote, with 35 Republicans joining all Democrats in support.

The legislation’s chances appear increasingly slim in the Senate after both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) came out in opposition to the bill.

The GOP leaders' refusal to back the bill threatens the chances of the proposed commission becoming law as many Republicans seek to divert attention from former President Trump’s role and their own involvement echoing his false claims of election fraud leading up to the insurrection.

McCarthy insisted that the legislation should have expanded its scope, arguing it “ignores the political violence that has struck American cities, a Republican Congressional baseball practice, and, most recently, the deadly attack on Capitol Police on April 2, 2021.” Expanding the commission's focus would dilute the focus on Trump.

So the Black Lives Mater, protesting against blacks being killed by police is political violence? I guess if you look at it as they want politicians to do something about it.


Well-Known Member
House approves Jan. 6 commission over GOP objections
The House on Wednesday passed a bill to establish a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, earning relatively little support from Republicans as GOP leaders sought to quash a bill negotiated by one of their own members.

Lawmakers passed the bill in a 252-175 vote, with 35 Republicans joining all Democrats in support.

The legislation’s chances appear increasingly slim in the Senate after both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) came out in opposition to the bill.

The GOP leaders' refusal to back the bill threatens the chances of the proposed commission becoming law as many Republicans seek to divert attention from former President Trump’s role and their own involvement echoing his false claims of election fraud leading up to the insurrection.

McCarthy insisted that the legislation should have expanded its scope, arguing it “ignores the political violence that has struck American cities, a Republican Congressional baseball practice, and, most recently, the deadly attack on Capitol Police on April 2, 2021.” Expanding the commission's focus would dilute the focus on Trump.

So the Black Lives Mater, protesting against blacks being killed by police is political violence? I guess if you look at it as they want politicians to do something about it.
You do make it hard not to like your posts man. I apologize for being so critical of the Hill, but they pumped out nonstop Left trolling videos on youtube and buried the Butina stuff when I last checked.