January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
How can you be bipartisan when you were in on the crime?

Republicans are against it for that very reason. You don't WANT it to be investigated if you were in on it.
Yeah Taco, but why did the MF's agree at first then back out, WTF is that,they just keep compounding this FN folly,or are they so ballsey now that they have gotten away w/so much shit that they just keep going back to the cookie jar. Either way it's amazing and groundbreaking to me that all it took was 4 yrs to flush any semblance of fair play down the drain.ccguns


Well-Known Member
THEY didn't. A few did and drew up the rules. The others didn't think it would ever get that far, so they nixed it.
Well the fact that we can't have a legit investigation of such a disgrace just shows how broken things are I guess,now all we'll get is a partisan Dem investigation that the Reps. will shit all over. I mean as an American,this is a constitution over party issue here and their are some complicit MFN Reps that committed treason and belong in jail.ccguns


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'Mitch, please': Acosta on McConnell's remarks about Jan. 6 commission

CNN's Jim Acosta reacts to some Republican leader's remarks about an independent commission to investigate the events surrounding January 6, which is likely to fail in the Senate.


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53 percent of Republicans say Trump is true president: poll
Most Republicans believe that Donald Trump is still the rightful president and that the results of the 2020 election were tarnished by illegal voting, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.
The survey found that just over half of Republicans – 53 percent – think that Trump remains the “true president,” despite losing to President Biden last year by roughly 7 million votes nationally. Even more – 61 percent – believe either strongly or somewhat that the 2020 election was “stolen” from the former president.

Similarly, 56 percent of Republican respondents said that the presidential election had been marred by illegal voting or “election rigging,” a baseless claim that Trump has made repeatedly in the more-than six months since Election Day.
Trump touted the Reuters/Ipsos poll on Tuesday, pointing to it as a sign of his continued support among his conservative base and suggesting that he, too, believes that he is still the rightful president.

“A new Ipsos/Reuters poll ‘Beliefs Among Republicans’ shows 53% believe Donald Trump is the true President (I always knew America was smart!),” Trump said in a statement through his political action committee (PAC). “2020 Election was tainted 56%. The Election was stolen (and Rigged!) 61%.”


Well-Known Member
53 percent of Republicans say Trump is true president: poll
Most Republicans believe that Donald Trump is still the rightful president and that the results of the 2020 election were tarnished by illegal voting, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday.
The survey found that just over half of Republicans – 53 percent – think that Trump remains the “true president,” despite losing to President Biden last year by roughly 7 million votes nationally. Even more – 61 percent – believe either strongly or somewhat that the 2020 election was “stolen” from the former president.

Similarly, 56 percent of Republican respondents said that the presidential election had been marred by illegal voting or “election rigging,” a baseless claim that Trump has made repeatedly in the more-than six months since Election Day.
Trump touted the Reuters/Ipsos poll on Tuesday, pointing to it as a sign of his continued support among his conservative base and suggesting that he, too, believes that he is still the rightful president.

“A new Ipsos/Reuters poll ‘Beliefs Among Republicans’ shows 53% believe Donald Trump is the true President (I always knew America was smart!),” Trump said in a statement through his political action committee (PAC). “2020 Election was tainted 56%. The Election was stolen (and Rigged!) 61%.”
Republicans now make up just 25% of the electorate, so say 15% of the electorate and probably 25% of "independents", Republicans too embarrassed to admit it. It doesn't really matter what these assholes believe, they are not voting for the democrats anyway and make up around 30% of the electorate. In America a third of the electorate are moral failures, a third are morally confused and a third have their heads screwed on straight.

Only a fucking idiot would screw around with the foundations of their democracy in order to anoint the likes of Trump or anybody else a king. Anybody who supports the republicans is a racist, a fool, or mentally ill, there are no other options available, except all of the above. The reason Trump is the great white hope, is that he will act outside the law and the constitution, this is the only way his base can get what they really want, genocide.


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Trump claims 'absolute immunity' from Swalwell lawsuit over Jan. 6 riot
Former President Trump on Monday argued that he possesses “absolute immunity” from a lawsuit filed against him by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) over his role in the Jan. 6 riot.
In a 49-page court filing, Trump urged a federal judge to dismiss Swalwell's March lawsuit, claiming that the statements he made as president in the run-up to the deadly breach of the U.S. Capitol are beyond the court’s reach.
“The president’s absolute immunity forecloses the jurisdiction of this court,” reads Trump’s filing to the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.

Trump, in his Monday court filing, defended his post-election conduct and claimed that his challenges to the election results were “hardly unique” compared to past disputes over presidential election results.
“While holding that office, former President Trump was free to advocate for the appointment and certification of electors," Trump's filing reads, "just as he was entitled to advocate for the passage or defeat of a constitutional amendment, or the reconsideration of a congressional act over his veto even though the President does not directly participate in those congressional acts."


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Watchdog group suing for Trump obstruction memo blasts DOJ for trying to block release
The liberal watchdog group that has been fighting in court to obtain internal Department of Justice (DOJ) documents from the Trump era criticized the Biden administration on Tuesday for trying to block the release of a legal memo that was used to clear the former president of wrongdoing in the wake of the Mueller investigation.

Noah Bookbinder, the president of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), said the group was "deeply disappointed" that the DOJ is appealing a federal court decision ordering the release of the March 2019 memo.

"The Department of Justice had an opportunity to come clean, turn over the memo, and close the book on the politicization and dishonesty of the past four years," Bookbinder said in a statement. "Last night it chose not to do so. In choosing to fight Judge Jackson's decision, the DOJ is taking a position that is legally and factually wrong and that undercuts efforts to move past the abuses of the last administration. We will be fighting this in court.”


Well-Known Member
Watchdog group suing for Trump obstruction memo blasts DOJ for trying to block release
The liberal watchdog group that has been fighting in court to obtain internal Department of Justice (DOJ) documents from the Trump era criticized the Biden administration on Tuesday for trying to block the release of a legal memo that was used to clear the former president of wrongdoing in the wake of the Mueller investigation.

Noah Bookbinder, the president of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), said the group was "deeply disappointed" that the DOJ is appealing a federal court decision ordering the release of the March 2019 memo.

"The Department of Justice had an opportunity to come clean, turn over the memo, and close the book on the politicization and dishonesty of the past four years," Bookbinder said in a statement. "Last night it chose not to do so. In choosing to fight Judge Jackson's decision, the DOJ is taking a position that is legally and factually wrong and that undercuts efforts to move past the abuses of the last administration. We will be fighting this in court.”
They are only redacting parts that reveal sources and methods, the real meat of the report will be released, Garland has his reasons and I trust Garland's integrity.


Well-Known Member
They are only redacting parts that reveal sources and methods, the real meat of the report will be released, Garland has his reasons and I trust Garland's integrity.
I read that part I will be released and the meat of it that the judge said they were giving political options won't be.

Biden’s Justice Department Is Trying to Keep Barr’s Trump Memo Under Wraps

Though Garland will push to keep most of the OLC memo from disclosure, he did release a portion of it Monday. Those two pages weren’t exactly explosive. But, as the Washington Post reported, they do appear to lend credence to Berman’s conclusion that Barr had not merely acted on OLC recommendations, as he had claimed, but had instead worked “hand in hand to craft the advice” he later cited to clear Trump. Still, the redacted form only hints at a much larger story—and whatever Garland’s reasons for trying to keep the full document from release, doing so could stand in the way of a full public accounting of how Barr ran his DOJ. As Katyal put it to MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Monday: “The people need to see and understand what happened at this Justice Department over the last four years.”