How much DRIED flower per quart jar?

It depends on the strain. I can get more weight from indicas and hybrids into jars than I can with some of the sativas I grow that are not as dense.

And since I turn my smaller buds and larf into dry ice hash I can fit even more weight into jars. I think this was a couple ounces or more in a pint jar. I don't remember. I'll be making another batch as soon as I finish up my current run and will have to weigh it now just so I know how much fits in a pint jar.

I'm trimming some Super Lemon Haze and running out of jars. This shit is fluffy and takes up space, but smokes real nice. I found a couple of quart jars I forgot I had, and was able to squeeze 2 zips of the SLH into it. With Wedding Cake I could prolly fit close to double the weight in the same volume.
Wow. That a crazy video.
Should have caught them fools live!
GWAR is officially the messiest concert I've ever worked, and I've got around 5000 shows worked in my career to date. We knew what we were getting into and did everything possible to protect the sound gear, including covering speakers with plastic bags. I talked to their lighting guy for a bit who told me that they basically buy the cheapest moving lights they can in case they get destroyed. These guys spray literally hundreds of gallons of red colored (blood) water over the audience. At the end of the night the 1200 capacity venue had a 2-inch puddle of red water all over the whole floor.
I'm trimming some Super Lemon Haze and running out of jars. This shit is fluffy and takes up space, but smokes real nice. I found a couple of quart jars I forgot I had, and was able to squeeze 2 zips of the SLH into it. With Wedding Cake I could prolly fit close to double the weight in the same volume.
Over dry by few points and gently pack. Just dry and loosely fill. I guess your standards dictate thing.

And get those jars while in stock. Remember last falls BS on availability and price?
GWAR is officially the messiest concert I've ever worked, and I've got around 5000 shows worked in my career to date. We knew what we were getting into and did everything possible to protect the sound gear, including covering speakers with plastic bags. I talked to their lighting guy for a bit who told me that they basically buy the cheapest moving lights they can in case they get destroyed. These guys spray literally hundreds of gallons of red colored (blood) water over the audience. At the end of the night the 1200 capacity venue had a 2-inch puddle of red water all over the whole floor.
We wore hooded Tyvek suits and cheap face shields. Made Gallager look clean. A memory for life. LOL.
Over dry by few points and gently pack. Just dry and loosely fill. I guess your standards dictate thing.

And get those jars while in stock. Remember last falls BS on availability and price?
Yeah, I usually just use my recycled coconut oil jars, because I hate throwing those jars away. My recent harvest looks to be my best yield yet, plus with this SLH being on the fluffly side, I need more jars! I thought the yield on the SLH was gonna be low becuase it's so fluffy, but it's looking like I'll likely get 5 or 6 zips off this one plant that took up a 2'x2' space, plus it was on the shorter side. My only complaint about this strain, is that it's a bitch to trim.
Over dry by few points and gently pack. Just dry and loosely fill. I guess your standards dictate thing.

And get those jars while in stock. Remember last falls BS on availability and price?
I was in the back of the room, so safe in my lighting booth along with their touring light guy. The venue would let me puff and drink on the job too. Those were the good old days. I left that job in a huff, after a "fuck-you" contest with my supervisor, and walked out. I still don't regret it. That same guy offered me a job a few years later with his cannabis company, which I politely declined.
Over dry by few points and gently pack. Just dry and loosely fill. I guess your standards dictate thing.

And get those jars while in stock. Remember last falls BS on availability and price?

I have dozens and dozens of jars. I bought a ton way before the pandemic and then someone gave me boxes of them. What I couldn't find for awhile was the lids. I ran across a recently stocked shelf and bought 10 boxes which is 100 lids. I have produce to can later this summer.
I have dozens and dozens of jars. I bought a ton way before the pandemic and then someone gave me boxes of them. What I couldn't find for awhile was the lids. I ran across a recently stocked shelf and bought 10 boxes which is 100 lids. I have produce to can later this summer.
I'm beginning to collect them. Ran out last year. Blanched and froze some veggies. Rest are going up in smoke.

Until I get to washing or sifting again. Condensing my storage here. My hash bars are deceptively small. LOL.