The Seed Collectors Thread

Hey Everyone,
It’s been years since I was on here. I’m glad to see this page is still active. Can’t wait to catch up on what everyone is collecting.

I am trying to pop 2-4 packs a month to keep the line moving. I hoarded so many strains that didn’t pop after years of storage. Lesson learned. Currently running a perpetual aero system.
Stay Irie!
How did you store your collection?
How did you store your collection?

I kept the seeds in original breeder packs in a Tupperware. In an climate controlled room. Most of the seeds were 2010-12 purchases. I listed some of them here way back. Lots of Breedbay breeder’s gear, many of them later became mainstream. Around 2018 I tried germinating most of my seeds and was not having luck. Tried the “rare seeds” in hopes they were not also duds. No luck.

I cant seem to find my old photos on Breedbay of the Bodhi, TGA, and other breeder packs I got off auction.

Never made it to storing in the freezer. Maybe when I start breeding I can plan for long term storage.

Just an example of some of the failed seeds
Stay Irie!
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I kept the seeds in original breeder packs in a Tupperware. In an climate controlled room. Most of the seeds were 2010-12 purchases. I listed some of them here way back. Lots of Breedbay breeder’s gear, many of them later became mainstream. Around 2018 I tried germinating most of my seeds and was not having luck. Tried the “rare seeds” in hopes they were not also duds. No luck.

I cant seem to find my old photos on Breedbay of the Bodhi, TGA, and other breeder packs I got off auction.

Never made it to storing in the freezer. Maybe when I start breeding I can plan for long term storage.

Just an example of some of the failed seeds
View attachment 4908121
Stay Irie!
I also was acquiring beans during that time and have stored them entirely in a fridge. Hoping the fridge pays off for me. Thank you for sharing ur story.
The fridge is the way, freezer and they have to get popped on thaw or they will die. I store in a planters peanut can, the large gallon size. There’s just some desiccant thrown in there stored at indoor room temp. I popped 10 year old beans this year with about 95-98% success rate. Just saying, doesn’t have to be too fancy.
Ugh, that photo is painful. But yes, this^... I popped a pack I bought back in 2005 or 2006, stored in a mason jar in various fridges for basically all of that time, and had 10 or 11 out of 12 pop, ended up with 9 seedlings. Didn't scuff or anything, just soak for 12ish hours, damp papertowel in a bag for a day or two, and into mix (in the past I always blew into the baggie but I decided that was a good way to introduce unnecessary bacteria, not blowing seemed to work equally well).
So back around 2005 or so, I grew for the first time. I got most of my info from a couple of online forums, one of which an AWESOME dude had sent me some NO MERCY - ICE QUEEN beans to try out. It came out SO good with minimal knowledge and experience, but I’ve since never been able to find this strain and I’m dying to get my hands on it. Anyone have any information where I could find these genetics?? Is No Mercy still around? I would love to give it a run nowadays…
So back around 2005 or so, I grew for the first time. I got most of my info from a couple of online forums, one of which an AWESOME dude had sent me some NO MERCY - ICE QUEEN beans to try out. It came out SO good with minimal knowledge and experience, but I’ve since never been able to find this strain and I’m dying to get my hands on it. Anyone have any information where I could find these genetics?? Is No Mercy still around? I would love to give it a run nowadays…
It probably got renamed a x'd with something else by now.
It appears No Mercy still exists, or at least there's a seed op under that name online. They have some similarly named strains but they don't seem to be related to Ice Queen in anything but name.
I kept the seeds in original breeder packs in a Tupperware. In an climate controlled room. Most of the seeds were 2010-12 purchases. I listed some of them here way back. Lots of Breedbay breeder’s gear, many of them later became mainstream. Around 2018 I tried germinating most of my seeds and was not having luck. Tried the “rare seeds” in hopes they were not also duds. No luck.

I cant seem to find my old photos on Breedbay of the Bodhi, TGA, and other breeder packs I got off auction.

Never made it to storing in the freezer. Maybe when I start breeding I can plan for long term storage.

Just an example of some of the failed seeds
View attachment 4908121
Stay Irie!

Just some info for everyone.
I keep my seeds in sealed bags/ those exact glass containers pictured above with desiccant. then vacuum sealed with a paper bag filled with desiccant in the vac bag. With a couple hundred strains in each bag.
And my seeds are still popping as the day they were born 20 years later.

**PS** Gud started a seed co.? If anyone knows PM me the name im curious too.
This post shall not die. lol
I need roadkill skunk seeds. Not bc buds either. Grew a pack of those and not what I was looking for.
Yeah there is like 8264737282648382 of us looking for RKS. We all need it. By the way I need a pot of gold burried at the end of a rainbow too. Fuckin leprechaun has to have some information.
This is the reason LCG seeds are sold with a packed on date....(only ones i know off)

All seeds have a shelf life of around 5 years ime.. with drops in germ rate every year...
so what's everyone's recent purchases? been trying my best to slow down so far this year. novacane from pnw roots, strawberries and cream f2 from exotic, and three packs from expedition archive stuff grabbed chem faceoff and bubblegum x dosi fems. pretty sure the dub bub (kush mints x dosidos) I'm flowering now is from the expedition line, really old freebies.