bodhi seeds

Very curious, did it you get any good Pain Relief effects from GG4 x SSDD?
I wanted to see if the SSDD male brings the numbing, nerve pain-killing type effect like classic SSDD is known for.
Thank you much for any info!

Sorry I dont think I'd be able to answer that with confidence. For me personally Cannabis has never been effective for combatting pain so I would be a horrible judge on that front. Hopefully some day I find a pheno that works for me. I mostly use Cannabis medicinally for the psychological effects and would consider the GG4xSSDD to be very similar to all the SSDD I've tried. I only used the GG4 x SSDD around 10 times and ended up gifting it all to a friend because the SSDD proved to be better (to me) in nearly every area except calyx to leaf ratio.

This isn't a knock against the strain though, the latest SSDD was definitely the best in the pack and the GG4xSSDD was the one and only female I tried from the pack. The effects were much closer to SSDD than what I consider to be GG4's effects, based on experience with GG4 RIL and Space Monkey. It's hard to compare strains going off of memory but I'd say the GG4xSSDD was more desirable than all of my SSDD females (4) except for the current one as a night time & relaxing medicine.

I'm also curous about the SSDD male as well. So many varieties I want to try and so little space unfortunately. I might end up trying either Waking Dream (wifi x SSDD) or chem91 x SSDD with Phone Home next time. If I didn't have a SSDD mother & so many GG4 varieties already I'd be very interested in the GG4xSSDD cross. Hope this helps.
Sorry I dont think I'd be able to answer that with confidence. For me personally Cannabis has never been effective for combatting pain so I would be a horrible judge on that front. Hopefully some day I find a pheno that works for me. I mostly use Cannabis medicinally for the psychological effects and would consider the GG4xSSDD to be very similar to all the SSDD I've tried. I only used the GG4 x SSDD around 10 times and ended up gifting it all to a friend because the SSDD proved to be better (to me) in nearly every area except calyx to leaf ratio.

This isn't a knock against the strain though, the latest SSDD was definitely the best in the pack and the GG4xSSDD was the one and only female I tried from the pack. The effects were much closer to SSDD than what I consider to be GG4's effects, based on experience with GG4 RIL and Space Monkey. It's hard to compare strains going off of memory but I'd say the GG4xSSDD was more desirable than all of my SSDD females (4) except for the current one as a night time & relaxing medicine.

I'm also curous about the SSDD male as well. So many varieties I want to try and so little space unfortunately. I might end up trying either Waking Dream (wifi x SSDD) or chem91 x SSDD with Phone Home next time. If I didn't have a SSDD mother & so many GG4 varieties already I'd be very interested in the GG4xSSDD cross. Hope this helps.
Thank You so much this is very in-depth and useful info you have shared. And your thoughts on other SSDD hybrids like Waking Dream also helps me in my quest. Cheers!
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Just poking my head in to get out of the temporary chaos here.

Need to get the greenhouse running soon. N.L. x Dragon Fruit is running indoors. WW is tallest. But a given. Space monkeys and Jabbas Stash are stout little things. Just soil mix amended and tap water. More 40W than sunlight the last few days. But healthy and happy here.

And some sweet looking buds posted of late around here.
Did a top dress today (neem, karanja, kelp, crab, lots of minerals etc.) before water and some kashi as well. Smothered in a good helping of compost. Hoping all the comfrey on the lower level will break down and help my babies thrive as well. Going to hit everything with pure crop 1 tomorrow before lights on. Everything in beds looking good, the stretch is for real on a few. Hoping for a great harvest. This is day 13.

Hope the bodhi family is in good health and your gardens are green. @MICHI-CAN my bed/soil had only gotten better with time properly amended, I'm sure you will experience the same if you haven't already. Much respect!

Happy growing!

Also to add to the above here is my dla10 last round. VERY tasty!!!was prob a week from harvestView attachment 4907766
I'm no micro biologist. Just keep things easy enough and lazy as I get lazier. But my soil needs less and less amendments every next use. And that's in pots. In ground I could throw a hanful of lobster/ kelp and just water if I wasn't obsessed with elephant tusk things. It takes a complicated recipe but to start. Or a good choice in over the counter. Keep it fresh, organic and local is all you have to do here.

Honest 30 years and still playing in the sandbox outback. I love plants.
Does anyone kow when Shoe will have the site back up? He's got some beans I'm in need of.
This post and the next one, both members have contacted him. Keep him and his family in your thoughts and your prayers as well if you're religious.

This post and the next one, both members have contacted him. Keep him and his family in your thoughts and your prayers as well if you're religious.

Thanks for the heads-up.
I've always felt this way as well except rather than focusing on the presence of anthocyanins I've always attributed it more to the lines being selected for the novelty of being purple over all other traits. Often times with anthocyanin rich purple vegetables they taste very bland (newer varieties are always coming out with improvements though) and pale in comparison to "regular" high quality varieties. The novelty of being purple is usually their main marketing strength and when the novelty factor drops off interest in the variety usually goes with it. In a practical sense I completely agree that purple flowers are almost always inferior to the less purple flowers in a line when judged by effect and potency (opinion). Great reviews by the way, moved Phone Home up in priority for next round..

When I grew lion's milk it was purple and it hospitalized me. 5250 and I was doing a gram of concentrate for year for context. I do 100mg thc stiiizy edibles now since it's $4 sometimes $52 live rosin jam grams or $25 dollar liveresin diamonds if the day is bad, but I usually cycle 2 weeks vaping, 2 weeks edibles since it turns to 11-hydroxy-thc when metabolized which we have no tolerance to.

Only strain i've had that felt harder than hard drugs.